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Comments 57

salylimon June 23 2011, 05:43:44 UTC
A quick glance of her pocket watch and out the large windows of her restaurant told Emi that she still had a good half hour or so before the lingering bits of twilight would soon vanish. Surely that would be enough time for her to run a quick errand. She needed a few more yards of fabric to make new tablecloths for her apartment. And, considering the small number of people currently eating, the petite woman figured she could leave them in the capable hands of her assistance-slash-waiter ( ... )


oranje_windmill June 24 2011, 00:38:47 UTC
He almost dropped the lighter when the other person ran into him, although luckily he hadn't gotten his pipe out so it wasn't in danger. He turned to give the other person what for, and stopped when he came face to face with a lovely women.

"It's alright," he said instead, concentrating on trying to remember where he had seen those dark brown eyes and that strong yet soft facial structure.

"But...do I know you?"

He was sure he wouldn't have forgotten a woman that beautiful.


salylimon June 24 2011, 07:20:19 UTC
"Still, I'm really so-" The sudden question caused Emi to pause mid-apology, head tilting back a bit more to get a better look at the man she had all but smashed into. She was silent for a moment, brow furrowed somewhat and lips pursed as she took in the colour of his his and eyes, only to shift her gaze a bit lower.

It didn't take long before she was suddenly bombarded with memories some six or seven years old. Memories of her doing everything in her power to keep from being married off, of feeling herself drowning beneath the weight of long bustled skirts, tight corsets and unwanted curls. Memories that she wished hadn't been sparked by someone capable of dragging her back.

Shaking her head once she felt her poker face to be perfect, Emi offered the blonde a small, bemused smile. "I think you're confusing me for someone else, sir," she replied lightly, inwardly hoping that the man - Willem - wouldn't connect her, her in her shorter dress, worn boots, and tousled hair, to the sullen teenager he once, albeit briefly, knew.


oranje_windmill June 24 2011, 07:52:48 UTC
He shook his head at her remark, intrigued by the split second flash of recognition before she'd assumed a look of innocent.

"No, I recognize you, I just don't know...."

His eyes shifted over her features, and were drawn down to the lips that were shaping a smile that was trying to look innocent. And the pieces clicked. It had been about 6 or 7 years, but he'd become rather well acquainted with that mouth.



salylimon July 9 2011, 01:14:20 UTC
Her fingers clenched into the material of his coat, unsure if she should move her hands away from his chest before she slowly inched them upward until her arms wound themselves loosely around his neck, her fingertips brushing his nape as she shivered involuntarily ( ... )


oranje_windmill July 10 2011, 05:23:17 UTC
He felt her press against him, and a stab of arousal flared in his belly. Breaking the kiss, he shifted away from her a bit to swing one leg over to straddle the bench. He shifted back towards her, taking her hands in his. He brought them up to his mouth to kiss the backs, looking into her eyes as he did so, before placing them back on his shoulders.

Then with his hands on her lowers back he pulled her closer to him, and resumed kissing her.


salylimon July 10 2011, 05:36:27 UTC
Emiliana was almost certain that a soft, barely there noise escaped her lips as she stared back, breath catching before her lips were moving against his once more. There was an odd warmth settling inside of her, something she wasn't particularly accustomed to dealing with often. But it wasn't uncomfortable. Rather, it was something she wanted more of.

And if continuing this both set her wayward plan in motion and prolonged the pleasurable sensations, then so be it.

Her fingers inched upward again, curling lightly into his hair, though mindful to keep from mussing it up too much as she gave his lips a hesitant but slight nip. Body leaning forward, she was all but flushed against him - as much as she could in such a position and while sitting on a bench - as one of her hands slid downward, brushing against his chest before moving back to its original position.


oranje_windmill July 11 2011, 09:04:32 UTC
He hummed an approval at the feel of her hands moving on his chest. He wanted to run his own hand through her hair, but it was in some sort of updo and he wouldn't even know how to begin fixing it once it got messed up. So instead he just settled for running his hands up her back, felling the shape of her under he dress.

He ran his tongue lightly along her bottom lip, seeking entrance.


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