The mean length of stay for the treatment of burns is

May 19, 2011 00:33

WHO: Open
WHEN: 19 May-25th May
WHERE: Florence Memorial Hospital, Room 304
WHAT: Hospital Visiting Hours

[OOC: This is basically for anyone who wants to visit Sindre while he's in the hospital, as the other thread was getting...long. Just post with your date and time of visit as you start a new run of threads~]

8.9 days )

owowow, open thread, hungary, status: complete, mongolia, fristaden christiania, norway, sweden, i hate hospital, poland, it's getting hot in here, fuck morphine

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May 19th, morning polishflare May 19 2011, 17:42:42 UTC
Feliks carefully pushed open the door and eased it closed behind him. Guests were allowed to visit now so he didn't really need to be sneaking around, but he felt like he wasn't supposed to be there. So, sneaking around felt appropriate.

He crept over to the bed and peeked over it. He could see Sindre lying there... not really moving. Feliks' eyes went wider. Did they keep dead people in the hospital beds...?! No, that didn't seem right.

He reached up and slowly poked the other on the shoulder, withdrawing his hand quickly.

In a small voice he tried to call out to the other, "...Hippie"


ahhh.... ilu? /failing this argument like a boss polishflare May 23 2011, 02:34:46 UTC
Feliks concentrated on what he was doing and grumbled, "I was lighting candles on fire."


What does that have to do with anything? talks_to_nisse May 23 2011, 03:00:37 UTC
Sindre just looked more displeased. "Why were you lighting candles on fire."


It has to do with me distracting you from me failing to defend Feliks~ polishflare May 25 2011, 04:17:11 UTC
"Why not?" Feliks tried to let out a laugh, "Fires like candles... right?"


/isn't distracted talks_to_nisse May 25 2011, 04:27:50 UTC
"You don't light other people's things on fire," Sindre said dully. "Especially not in a store."

He let out another sigh. "You just did what you wanted to do because in your head you matter most of all. So if you want to do something, you do, regardless of the consequences."


ORZ polishflare May 25 2011, 20:55:15 UTC
"Well, I know that now." he huffed, looking at Sindre and then glancing away again, "That's not true... I think of other's sometimes. It just might take awhile, but it totally happens, and it's not like I like consequences. In fact, I don't like them at all. They're not fun. Like now, having you all mean and hurt, like, isn't fun at all."


Also? Slack is not being cut for Feliks this time. talks_to_nisse May 25 2011, 22:36:33 UTC
Sindre felt his ire rise at that. "I apologize that my being hurt isn't fun," he shot back. "Lying in this hospital bed isn't much fun either."

Energy suddenly draining, Sindre collapsed back. He tried to rub his hand over his face, but the tug of the IV prevented him from even doing that.

"I'm not going to tell your fortune while I'm like this," he told Feliks. "So if that's what you came for, you can go."


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