What do you mean this is not Thailand and you don't celebrate-

Apr 14, 2011 17:43

Who: Chai and anyone else who would care to join~ :Da
When: 13th - 15th of April ALL DAY EVERY DAY
Where: All over Liberty, usually lurking around a populated area.
What: Chai's overzealous efforts in spread the blessings for the Thai New Year~*+~*+
Rating: This could get ugly.

Happy Thai New Year everyone! )

this is how we do it in my country, status: incomplete, shenanigans!, is this real life?, don't try this at home, let the fabulous begin!, someone's gonna die today, silliness yes please, spice up your life~, yeeaaaaahhhhhhhh, tolerance is love, bonding tiemz, who the hell do you think we are!?, please don't kill me, liberty weirdness, tags are the spice of life, thailand

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Comments 4

Date: April 14th, Time: 5:30 PM, Location: A few blocks south Madame Maime's danskannabis April 14 2011, 15:42:48 UTC
It was starting to become a ritual: he wasn't sure who suggested first tbe idea of walking home together (though it was probably Kai; he was still working on opening the Icelander up to new and potential ways to spend time with each other) but it now occurred with nightly regularity. They'd wait just around the corner from the shop for the other's shift to end, then walk in company together back to the Charleston, catching up on each other's days, making jokes and other such merriment that the two of them enjoyed ( ... )


April 14th at 1pm, outside of a hair salon polishflare April 15 2011, 05:03:11 UTC
How long does it take for Feliks to get his hair done ( ... )


15 April, 14:30, on the way back from the LU campus talks_to_nisse April 15 2011, 23:18:07 UTC
Sindre was glad the weather had finally turned warmer, providing him with more days he was likely to actually walk to school. He normally carried his laptop with him, so days that were rainy or particularly cold he drove so as to protect his computer.

But the day had been sunny and warm, with no expectations of poor weather. So he had left his truck behind and walked in to campus. And now, on his way back, he was just focused on the weekend. He should probably start cleaning the apartment now, just to ensure everything would be ready when Johanna and her husband arrived. He had Wilm's party this weekend, but he had already acquired his portion of the preparations. Add in his workload...this weekend would be busy.


Date: April 14th, Time: 9:00 AM, Upscale Coffee and Tea House vonesterreich April 16 2011, 19:55:59 UTC
Roderich preferred his tea to be imported from abroad and relished in the quiet of his mansion, but today was simply not a day in which he could enjoy that simple comfort. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on one's viewpoint), one of his investors had INSISTED on meeting with him in downtown Liberty. The Austrian had thrown an inner fit about this, but in the end, he had relented. His father had taught him the importance of treating investors well, even if they had unreasonable requests. Granted, having tea at an upscale tea house was not exactly "unreasonable", but it was an uncomfortable idea for those whom prefer to be out of hearing and viewing range of the idiots that usually dwelled in crowded city areas ( ... )


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