The Evil McDonald's

Jul 22, 2009 10:24

Who: Francis, Alfred (And anyone else who wishes to join)
When: Wednesday Morning
Where: In front of Bon Sejour
What: The sudden appearance of a McDonalds House

Francis stared in unhidden horror at the abomination before him - McDonalds. No. No, no, no, this could not  be happening, not a McDonalds, not in front of his precious Bon Sejour restraunt.

Well, okay, it wasn't really his, it was the head chef's/managers, and he was only the assistant head chef, but he cared for the restraunt as a mother would for her child. But that was besides the point.

Who in the right mind would build a sleazy, greasy (not to mention unhealthy) McDonalds house in front of a perfectly good five star gourmet french restraunt? Obviously someone not in the right mind.

He had only been gone a week to relax and unwind a bit at his condo, and yes he had known they were building something there, but...this!? How could this have happened? Maybe it was a joke from God? No, that oculdn't be, not even God was this cruel.
Could it be those pesky kids from that school? No, he didn't think they had the influence to do that. But then what....


Yes, it had to be that Brit's fault. Somehow, someway, Arthur had convinced the city to build a McDonald's house in front of Bon Sejour. Ohhhh, that tricky man! He would pay!

But for to get rid of the McDonald's. It simply could not stay.  It would require heavy artillery...Maybe God could send down a meteor and destroy it, or a mob, or, or-

"Francis." Francis looked up from where had had fallen to his knees, only to see his boss. "Get up off the street and get inside. You're making a scene, and that makes us look bad."

"But-but the McDonald's!" Francis flailed, pointing to the golden double arch.

"Yea, they put the sign up just a few days ago. Looks like we might have a bit of competition now, huh?"

Francis could not understand how his boss could be so calm, but he was. He watched as his boss calmly walked into Bon Sejour as if nothing were wrong.

Francis slowly stood to his feet, eyes returning to the McDonald's restraunt. He would take it down. Even if he were just one man against thousands, McDonald's would be eradicated from this street.

Leaning against the wall, he began to plot.

france, supersize me bitch, the british are coming, i hope your arteries clog, status: complete, i'm lovin' it, america

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