My Neighbor is a Nazi.

Dec 18, 2010 02:07

WHO: Francis and Gilbert
WHEN: Afternoon, Saturday 18th
WHERE: Between Francis' and Gilbert's shops
WHAT: Gilbert has a brilliant idea, Francis doesn't agree as whole-heartedly.

Episode One )

what are you doing here?, france, finland, status: complete, gilbert, prussia, what is this madness!?

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Comments 13

hergelaufene December 19 2010, 12:57:42 UTC
In the back, Gilbert was unpacking the newest shipment of costumes he had gotten (who know that the holidays make people this kinky?) and when he heard the bell above the door ring, he put down one of the Santa hats and peered towards the entrance. The man was tall, blond and for two seconds he thought it was Ivan+hippie (fucking scarf) and he tensed for a moment before letting out a breath.

"Hallo!" he called, walking over and brushing off his uniform and walking over to the man with his usual swagger, which to a newcoming would seem much like a march merged with a saunter. His black boots were careful not to leave scuff marks on the floor and he stood in front of the man, frowning. "Uh? Did you hear me? Hallo?"

Great, another person who was looking for the new hair salon and had ended up in his shop instead. "Look, the stupid new hair place isn't open yet and I don't know when it will be so just go away." Turning on his heel (Gott people were so thick sometimes) he started back down the aisle.


la_grand_vie December 20 2010, 02:57:19 UTC
Well that certainly caught him off-guard. Francis had wholely expected the owner of such an... interesting store to be a little out there, but to be fully dress in what looked to be-

A Nazi uniform?!

That along with the striking white hair and peircing red eyes was enough to shut Francis up and keep him from speaking for at least a few seconds, enough for the Prussian to start walking away again before he could even move his tongue. "A-Ah!" he quickly regained his barings, hurrying into the shop and letting the jiggling door behind him. "Wait-! I meant to come in 'ere not ze salon- and..." he paused.

"Stupid hair place?"

How rude.


hergelaufene December 22 2010, 08:18:15 UTC
Turning on his heels, Gilbert frowned harder. "Ja, stupid hair place," he said, putting a hand on his hip. Did he stutter? Maybe this guy didn't speak English, or just was stupid. He did sound French. Maybe he smelt like cheese... "I've been having people coming in here every fuckin' day asking if that silly new shop is open and every fuckin' day I tell them I don't know."

Leaning against a shelf, the Prussian's lips pursed. "Oh shit- you aren't here to buy shit are you?"


la_grand_vie December 23 2010, 04:33:58 UTC
Well so much for a partner in business. Francis scoffed and shook his head, crossing his arms in the doorway and half-glowering at the obviously German man. So rude... "Non, I was not 'ere to buy and I am not looking for ze 'stupid hair place' because it is mine."

For not being a very bitter man, Francis could certainly have a snap when someone insulted something close to him.

"I was going to offer some sort of business partnership, mais, you seem like you are doing just fine 'ere on your own, aren't you?" he muttered, reaching back and opening the door. "'ave fun scaring off ze rest of your customers mon ami."


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