Time Warp for good old fashioned shenanigans

Oct 22, 2010 08:27

WHO: Kai, Søren, Sindre and Valdi
WHEN: Last Friday night, October 15th
WHERE: Sindre's Apartment
WHAT: Kai decides after much debate to follow Søren down the trellis to Sindre and Valdi's apartment. The usual Danish hijinks and chaos ensues, and an unexpected declaration of love?
RATING: PG-13, since it's the Danes. Rampant cursing is used.

From the Little Mermaid, to a Norwegian museum.. )

where the hell am i?, status: dead, 1-900-brotalk, i hate you all, this is novela hour, puppies!, make it work, the danish inquisition, what are personal boundaries?, and how does that make you feel?, guy love between two danes, denmark, iceland, this thread just got awesome, norway, fristaden christiania, this never happened, i solemnly swear i am up to no good, not gay just cousins, bromance, alas poor childe i knew him well...

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Comments 8

Well, since Kai's still hiding in Sindre's room, I guess I'll go first~ talks_to_nisse October 26 2010, 17:04:02 UTC
Sindre sighed as he heard his door creak open. One of these days Søren was going to disturb Grimm and get himself bit. Or, he'd try to climb in bad weather and fall. One of the two ( ... )


Somehow I... did not even realise this thread existed *hides* puffin_magic October 28 2010, 22:08:57 UTC

The sound of someone climbing down to the balcony had not only become familiar, but a forewarning to Søren's arrival.
Valdi did not mind if the Dane was around (as he seemed to be more often than not, yet the boy hadn't bothered to ask about what kind of relationship they had), as long as Søren left him alone.

Which he rarely did.
Ever since he'd tried to make him cook, their neighbor had gotten into an awful habit of bothering Valdi, prying, trying to be friendly with someone who'd much rather he was just left alone.

Right, alone.
Without hesitation Valdi gathered up his books and homework, and scurried back into his room, not even bothering to greet Søren as he passed him on the way.

He'd just set his equipment down when there was shuffling and movement heard from the next room again; someone else had entered the bedroom.

Did Søren have a friend? He had a roommate right?


...OKAY, HERE WE GO. *sob* AND LILBRO. YOU ARE NOW FORBIDDEN FROM HIDING IN YOUR ROOM. axkingforit January 13 2011, 20:25:10 UTC
Texted request for cooking implements nonwithstanding, today Søren would not be dissuaded. He felt like cooking and since Kai barely let him near the kitchen anymore without a barrage of complaints, he wasn't going to put off by a few half-hearted grumblings.

"I left them under your bed," he told Sindre brightly. Really, it was the first place the Norwegian should've looked. Søren made a point of hiding things in fairly simple locations just so Sindre would have to call and yell him later. Knowing that Sindre usually preferred to retrieve things from his bedroom when both Søren and Valdi were around (something about a proper impression, who the fuck knew), Søren happily sat on the counter and waited. (And grinned a little bit as he watched Valdi retreat to his room.)

...and glared at the puffin who finally made its presence known with a quiet chirrup.

...fucking bird.

"Sindre!" he called, "Didja know that puffin is a delicacy in some countries? Seems a shame to put this one to waste!"


So, I'm giving your cousin brain damage. Hope that's okay. talks_to_nisse January 18 2011, 05:43:35 UTC
"You are not cooking my brother's puffin," Sindre called back. "If you ever want to be welcomed back here, you'll discard that thought right now. Just because you're afraid of it doesn't mean you can eat it."

He shook his head. He knew Søren was joking, which was probably the only reason he didn't storm back to ensure Puffin was out of danger. Søren wouldn't dare.

Continuing to tell himself this, he flung open his door so as to retrieve the missing pots. Only to discover someone was already in his room.

Grabbing the unopened water bottle sitting on the desk, Sindre threw it at the unknown man. Feeling a dark sense of satisfaction at the thunk of it hitting the intruder's head, he flicked on the lights to see who had invaded his apartment. He thought momentarily about summoning Grimm, but the intruder had been slight. It was unlikely that Sindre would have trouble with him.

Moving closer to get a closer look, Sindre inhaled sharply at the sight of the somewhat familiar face. "Kai? What the hell are you doing in my room?"


danskannabis March 20 2011, 15:55:07 UTC
His Frommer's Guide to Scandinavia was cut short as he heard the sound of footsteps growing louder in the hallway just beyond. He froze in his place and stared at the door with wide, terrified eyes, knowing that being caught by Søren would actually be a punishment worse than death for this. Frantically, Kai made an attempt to rush for the balcony--

Only to be hit squarely in the back of the head with some hard, blunt, forgiving? object at close range. He dropped like butterfly in summer heat to the floor just beside the balcony, one hand to the back of his head while the other searched out the mercenary of a flying projectile that had probably just given him a decent sized welt for the next couple of weeks. Only to come up short with the offending water bottle.

"Y-You threw a water bottle at me! At my head!" Kai accused when Sindre was upon him, his expression dumbfounded, wondering an assortment of questions all at once. "Søren just fucking left without a word and I wanted to know where he went!"


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