Oh, It's... You.

Sep 03, 2010 10:31

WHO: Roderich and Feliks
WHEN: September 3, Late Afternoon
WHERE: Local department store.

Department store, it sounded so...


For good reason, it’s not like anyone ever purchased anything fancy out of a department store, unless you wanted to believe that 14-karat necklace you bought was really such a fantastic deal at that low price or that prom dress was just oh so perfect even though the sequences had fallen off the second your date had laid eyes on it.

Though, that hadn’t stopped the lines of prom dresses from getting away from Feliks’ interest while he’d been shopping, yes shopping, in a department store. Feliks had reason for being in such a place though! And it wasn’t just to do good deeds and inform people that the stuff they were buying was worthless, but he was shopping for purpose!

But, for now he was distracted by the prom dresses.

There were just so many of them and he flipped through each like a pro. Maybe, he could buy one for politicking, no, no, he needed a pretty outfit custom made actually. Yes, that’s right, that’s exactly what he needed. He needed every little thing perfect so that he could beat... that guy. Even though the one with the high cut up the leg would be quite the attention getter, no, no, a custom outfit just for him was what he needed. Losing interest in the prom dresses he looked over the rack.

And was met with the sight of someone. Someone that was the most stuck up and unstyled person... he’d ever seen. Just casually walking by like it wasn’t a huge deal... like it was.

Slowly Feliks dropped the end of the dress he’d been looking at. Then, scrambled to go behind the lines of dresses, moving to try and keep up with the person, going rack to rack. Each time he went past a gap he got a good sight of him, but it took a few times before it finally clicked in his mind that this person seemed vaguely familiar...

Suddenly, he shot through the middle of a rack of clothes, right into the person’s path with arm's spread out.

He gave him a pointed stare, “...Y-you!"

This place was about to get a whole lot more feminine.

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