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meiume August 29 2010, 23:19:28 UTC
Saying Mei was a complete mess would be the understatement of the millennium. It was supposed to be a good day; Al was coming over for an intervention/slash bubble tea time. They were going to have a nice talk about Mei's addiction over some delicious chewy balls. It was supposed to be a wonderful day ( ... )


meiume August 30 2010, 03:55:25 UTC
"Well, it doesn't matter," Mei huffed, turning away. Her face still burnt with excitement and shame and embarrassment at the secret desire that Al would kiss her again. "You obviously have feelings for him, so it wouldn't be right for us to do anything. I may be a drama queen, Al, but I'm not a homewrecker."

She put a smile; the previous confusion slowly swept out of her skin. She even managed to chuckle a bit before it was all quiet and slightly awkward again.

"Hey, at least Kim's right. You aren't a bad kisser, haha~"


waitforsuperman August 30 2010, 04:05:29 UTC
Alfred laughed at the homewrecker comment. "I don't think we have a home." he confessed, "We're really, really weird..." he shifted a little closer, tilting his head.

"I didn't even give you a proper kiss... You want.... a real one...maybe?"


meiume August 30 2010, 04:30:27 UTC
"Then it's time to get started on one! Hell, I'll help you pick out a color scheme or something. Something to match your skin tone! Haha~"

Mei shrugged her shoulders and took a breath. Then she completely stopped breathing at Al's question. Well... okay. Well. No. Okay. Yes. SAY YES. NO. NO. NO. YOU CANT!

As much as she kind of really wanted that second kiss, Mei shook her head and laughed it off.

"Awkward first kiss makes better stories to tell, Al~" She pat him on the shoulder, fingers lingering longer than needed. "Thanks though... It was... It was nice, honestly. So! Don't worry about. We cool?"


waitforsuperman August 30 2010, 05:16:55 UTC
"I guess we're cool." Alfred sighed quietly, not moving away at all. His shoulders slumped slightly and he closed his eyes tiredly. "Sorry I'm so... weird."

He smiled at her, starting to stand up. "I'm... do you want something? drink?"


meiume August 30 2010, 05:26:39 UTC
"Nah~ I'm good," Mei said as she climbed off the bed. "You are the guest here so I should get the drinks! Just let me run downstairs really quickly."

Mei skipped over to the door and opened it... to find her mother staring at her.

"MOM! WHAT ARE YOU....!?" Mei looked back at Al, her face burning up again. "J-just give me a second, Al. One second!"

She pushed her way out of the room and slammed it behind her, leaving Al trapped inside. Soon, the loud series of Mandarin shouting began.

After a few minutes, Mei cracked open the door. Her voice tired and hoarse from yelling.

"I'm sorry, Al. But... y-you should really go. Now. Like right now. Before my mom... oh god... before... Just go! Hurry! While you still can!"


waitforsuperman August 30 2010, 06:01:35 UTC
In the few minutes that she was gone, Alfred had decided that he was going to give Mei a proper kiss, tell her that he was dating someone, was really sorry he had kissed her a second time and was a complete asshole and would she pleased, please forgive him.

Right. Good plan. So she came in saying something he wasn't really paying attention to, gathered her up in his arms and pressed their lips together, hugging her to his body, eyes sliding closed.


meiume August 31 2010, 03:39:31 UTC
Well, there went Mei's second kiss. It was completely unexpected. She had thought Al would just go in piece, but leave it to the American to go out with a bang. She fluttered her eyes close for a moment and let out what-might-have-been-a-moan-but-probably-wasn't-but-then-she'd-be-lying.

After the kiss (with her mom giggling in the background), Mei kept herself in Al's embrace. She sighed heavily, her fingers playing with Al's collar.

"You are such a dumbass, you know that, Al? Doing things like this... Aiyaaaah! You should know better!"


I think this might be last post |D waitforsuperman September 1 2010, 18:09:24 UTC
"Yeah..." Alfred said, lifting a hand, brushing a few bangs out of her face, tucking them behind her ear. "I'm kinda one of those people. I'll just be going now." Kissing her forehead once and squeezing her hands, Alfred opened the door of her room, hesitating in the doorway.

He looked back over his shoulder. "Just... so you know, I've now kissed you more times than Kimmy." he winked, slipping past the ogling woman with a whispered 'bye Mrs. Li' and down the stairs.

Oh this faaaaaaaaaar surpassed the term dumbass.


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