004 // Video - Action // In which Sora makes a friend

Jan 23, 2011 23:25

[Hey there, Vatheon! Time for a homely little broadcast of a cozy looking ...  stable? Since when did Vatheon have horses? Must be new. The screen pans slowly, revealing a vast open field, bordered by a rickety white fence. Sora's voice speaks off screen:]

Hey guys- check out what showed up at Nostalgia Nook!

[And then woa! Fluffy yellow feathers ( Read more... )

and suddenly trolls everywhere, *game: vatheon

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Comments 438

action forever; dealwithaweek January 24 2011, 07:39:53 UTC
[Roxas was chilling on the fence watching the dancing chocobos with a rather amused but awed countenance until uh oh. That one chocobo sure seemed angry. This didn't look good.]

H-hey! Don't do that. [he turns his attention towards his other.] Sora, I think you should get out of there.

[Honestly, why are you being dragged like that. :| Laaame.]


action; lockandkeyblade January 24 2011, 08:00:48 UTC
Ow- [It's not his fault, okay? He's still learning how to do this. Sora suffers one last tug by his jacket, stumbling back a few steps before the Chocobo finally settles down.]

It's okay! See? They just... get a little excited sometimes!

[He's still fishing around for some greens. Maybe that'll calm the thing down. R-Roxas... help?]


Think geese in the park. Real hungry savage geese. dealwithaweek January 24 2011, 23:07:47 UTC
Excited? It looked more like it wanted to eat you.

[He notices Sora looking around for something and starts to look around himself, until he realized the irate Chocobo was probably hungry. He grabs a bucket full of greens from the other side of the fence and dumps them on the ground, separating each variety into different piles.]

[Uh... the man who ran the stable said each green garnered different effects. That one increased intelligence... this one was similar to a Cura spell and... or was it that one? Hm...

As Roxas pondered over which one to give the Chocobo, he failed to notice all the other hordes of the birds shuffling around him slowly but stealthily like a predator, tilting their heads at the pile of heavenly greens on the grass. It was probably snack time.]


LOLOLOL oh my god thats an amazing image lockandkeyblade January 24 2011, 23:45:04 UTC
[Sora sees what you're doing, Roxas.] Nice one! [Better it eat the greens than his jacket.]

[Unbeknown to the pair, a strange silence has fallen over the field. First, there's one curious whistle. Then another. Then several more. There's soft shuffling noises as one or two shuffle over, followed by others, all of them increasing their pace until finally, Sora looks up and sees the terrible fate about to befall them.]

Uh... Roxas... M-maybe we should try something else...


lights camera action ninthserenade January 24 2011, 08:00:02 UTC
[Oh. Giant birds.

Giant birds that you can ride.

Giant birds that you can ride and drag people away.

Giant birds that you can rude and drag people away and they can dance. Consider him sold and brb portaling over there like... Now.]

Dude! They're huge!


lights camera action lockandkeyblade January 24 2011, 08:19:34 UTC
[The chocobo dragging Sora away halts, startled by the sudden appearance. G-good going, Demyx, now it's feathers are all ruffled! It gives a warning squawk, which causes Sora to duck away just a bit]

Oh man...


Re: lights camera action ninthserenade January 24 2011, 08:31:49 UTC
[Whoops. ...That didn't sound good. He'll just hold his hands up innocently, taking a half step back.]

Eh... Did I show up at a bad time?


lights camera action lockandkeyblade January 24 2011, 08:51:58 UTC

[The Chocobo eyes Demyx, shifting its weight restlessly.]

Uh... I think you might've picked the wrong time to portal in...


dystopiadreams January 24 2011, 10:43:20 UTC
*Selphie is beyond being in awe. Her eyes are huge and her mouth is hanging slightly open*


*She giggles as she watches on the SFC, then tilts her head at the chocobo*

Try a different song!


ohoho you should be asleep, young lady! lockandkeyblade January 24 2011, 10:48:21 UTC
[After Sora's managed to free himself, he gets the message from Selphie.]

A different song? Hmmm... I've got a couple I can try.

... Wait a minute, you've seen Chocobos before?


I should? At 11am? o.O dystopiadreams January 24 2011, 10:54:40 UTC
*Selphie nods knowledgably at the song question - some chocobos could be picky after all*

Of course I have! There's plenty in my world!


ffff its 3am here /o/ lockandkeyblade January 24 2011, 11:53:38 UTC
[So that'd make her some sort of expert! Well... compared to him anyway.]

Really? Have you ever ridden one before?


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[VIDEO] lockandkeyblade January 24 2011, 12:13:31 UTC
[Oh hey. It's the cranky guy!] Is there anything you don't hate?

Anyway, Nostalgia Nook's this part of the Lower District that changes all the time. Sometimes if you're lucky, shops that sell stuff from your world will appear.


(The comment has been removed)

[VIDEO] lockandkeyblade January 24 2011, 12:44:21 UTC
Recuper-what now? [He makes a face. Supor slime sounds like something he'd find in a swamp.] I've never even heard of that stuff.


Action Forever~ chivalryphoenix January 24 2011, 11:26:52 UTC
[Flynn's been wanting to visit Nostalgia Nook for a while, now, and only goes today because he decides to give himself a break from patrolling the city. He sees the video post a few seconds before he sees the big bird drag the poor kid away.

When he gets there, he doesn't see any food to placate the angry chocobo, and it's dangerous to approach an animal in this state. So, the Commandant does a crazy idea brought up by the teenager's example.

He whistles a different song, loud enough for the angry chocobo to hear it, at least.]


Action Forever~ lockandkeyblade January 24 2011, 12:19:59 UTC
[Smooth moves, Flynn! You've got the Chocobo's attention. It swivels its head around at the tune before trudging over to the fence with Sora stumbling in tow.]

S-slow down!

[He gives Flynn a helpless smile.]


chivalryphoenix January 24 2011, 16:14:27 UTC
[He has a way with animals as well as people, as far as canon is concerned. Flynn glances around quickly once he sees that he has the chocobo's attention, and almost sighed in relief when he found a bucket full of what looked like food for the huge birds. He grabbed the bucket, and only stopped whistling when the chocobo was near enough to give it the greens, setting the bucket inside the corral.]

Are you all right?


lockandkeyblade January 24 2011, 22:08:25 UTC
[Sora fixes himself so he looks halfway decent, like he hasn't been dragged halfway across the corral by a considerably sized bird.]

Yeah, I'm fine now. Thanks! Pretty quick thinking there. You seem pretty good with these guys.


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