Offered: Anime/Manga Fanfic

Jul 11, 2008 08:52

From: June

Offer: I will write fanfic of no less than 2000 words (depending on the story and characters, maybe significantly more) in the following fandoms: Gundam Wing, Samurai Champloo, One Piece, Naruto. You're welcome to ask about others I'm familiar with, but these are the biggies.

Edit: Oh yeah, both slash and het are totally cool! I love'em ( Read more... )

anime or manga: one piece, anime or manga: samurai champloo, anime or manga: naruto, anime or manga: gundam wing

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Comments 6

poilass July 11 2008, 15:55:29 UTC


kinsugi July 11 2008, 23:56:32 UTC
01 by himself, oh noes... 1 and 2, much better!


ramenkuri July 13 2008, 13:53:31 UTC
I hate to break up 1 and 2, so I'll make it


poilass July 14 2008, 21:26:49 UTC


downjune July 15 2008, 11:58:43 UTC
yey, we have a winner! This is exciting! I don't know what happens now... but shoot me a message through LJ and we'll talk ficcage!


poilass July 15 2008, 15:24:50 UTC


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