
Apr 17, 2005 12:54

Hey guys, I'm going to be in a show this summer, and i'm supposed to submit a headshot. My mom took a lot of pictures of me today, and i had wanted to ask ya'll your input on your fave. Thanks guys!!

Here goes nothing )

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Comments 7

runnerjen08 April 17 2005, 19:46:04 UTC
My favorite is the one where you are laying in the grass :) They are all pretty tho!! <3 Jen


dizzydvd April 17 2005, 20:26:24 UTC
seconds that


peweepete April 17 2005, 22:36:03 UTC
#s 2 and 4 I really like. Why? I dunno. But, they're my faves. The grass picture's kinda cheesey to me, sorry Hutch and Jenny!


yodajakeman April 17 2005, 23:32:15 UTC
all cute, but 3&4 are the best.


itsjustme_nikki April 18 2005, 01:07:55 UTC
2367 lol there alll so cute


thebennyboy April 18 2005, 02:25:32 UTC
I'd say 2 and 7, but they're all really nice :)

If I absolutely had to pick ONE I'd pick number 2

now what about this show??? I think that's the more important thing here :)


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