Sexuality - Music...

Aug 14, 2006 10:00

I've noticed that with the decline of my sexuality, my tastes in music have changed some... Mostly because Doug doesn't like the stuff I did listen to.  It was a lot of heavy metal and industrial.  I did listen to techno, but not as often as I did to hard stuff.  Now, I listen to techno almost exclusively.  I've started pulling out my older stuff ( ( Read more... )

self, sexuality

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Comments 12

inscrutable August 14 2006, 19:00:34 UTC
littlegoth August 14 2006, 22:19:35 UTC
*shaking head* listened to the song posted that plays... ya know what i mean?
It was ok... not splendid, but ok.. but nothing that turns me on... it might be the speakers and mind set however...


bosantibe August 15 2006, 16:56:10 UTC
Well, there's nothing quite like a smooth, rolling beat to get the body a-thumpin'. No doubt you know enough techno-nerds to suggest decent music. I can vouch for a few hybridized bands that have a good techno flavor with some good other elements in the mix.


littlegoth August 16 2006, 01:16:18 UTC
see, it's not the techno i miss, but more the metal and industrial..


bosantibe August 16 2006, 15:04:24 UTC
Well, I could certainly recommend some of those as well. Pig, Pigface, Godflesh, very fun stuff for starters.


...ahem the_blonde_one August 15 2006, 23:51:57 UTC
I can HAVE to say that the_seraph is one lucky bastard. :) That icon is teh hawtness. But more on point of topic, I fully agree. Metal and Industrial were my main stays in high school but I've pushed more toward Electronic et al. nowadays...but I still get the inner rumblings from the old ways. ;)


littlegoth August 16 2006, 01:15:37 UTC
I love my old music.. just don't really get to enjoy it.. because he doesn't like it...

and thanks about the picture.. I was just sitting here in my computer chair... *laugh*


the_blonde_one August 16 2006, 01:27:28 UTC
I have a thing for black and purple hair...that helps, but the intense look on your face was definitely a plus too. :)

There are a few groups out there that successfully combined industrial and electronic. If he likes the techie stuff, tell him it's just like a techno metal thing...which is Godly if you can find it anymore.

But that's just my two bright, shiny, glimmering cents. ;)


Re: ...ahem the_seraph August 17 2006, 03:14:44 UTC
Have you seen her "spank me" icon?
ping and scroll to the bottom.



the_seraph August 17 2006, 03:17:05 UTC


I think that by and large for me it isn't so much the music as it is the lyrics... tho music does have a big part in making the lyrics work.

PdP is a big turn on for me... *chuckles* that's why I always make you listen to it.


littlegoth August 17 2006, 06:36:15 UTC
I understand now...

I've grown to enjoy PdP, but not turned on by it..


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