(no subject)

May 31, 2009 12:12

Hi, I've been looking around this comm for awhile and really love everyone's tattoos, and now I finally have a reason to post here...

I've wanted a tattoo for a few years, but I never considered getting one, as I wouldn't want something noticeable that would interfere with work and such for the rest of my life, and I'm also a cosplayer, so I didn't want anything that would be hard to hide/cover up in most situations... but I also didn't want a tattoo in some hidden place that next to no one but myself would see; so I just never thought a tattoo would work for me. Then I found out about white ink tattoos. I absolutely love how they look and I think it could be subtle enough to not be an issue for me.

As for what I want, I've been considering the word "infinite" on my left wrist, facing me. It's in reference to the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which is my favorite book and is just amazing to me. I'm sure I want something Perks related, and I want text, but I'm not totally sure about getting the word infinite; as it seems to be the part that most people use for their Perks related tattoos. I can't think of anything else that would be short and nice [since as I said, I don't want it hugely noticeable or anything] other than "infinite" though, since other quotes I like are pretty long [like "we accept the love we think we deserve"], and I can't think of any way to shorten them and have them still sound really nice. I really only want one word on my wrist, so it seems like only "infinite" would work for me, which is fine, I do like it a lot, but I just wanted to hear what others thought.

This would be my first tattoo, so I also have no idea how much it would hurt. I like to think I have a fairly good tolerance for pain, but I'm kind of nervous about it. I also heard that white tattoos can fade easily. I don't plan on getting this soon; I want to really think about it for a few months to make sure I really want it, but I just really want to hear some input on this whole idea.

Also, I'd love some help picking out a font. :)


font: Another Typewriter


font: Dactylographe


font: Daisy Wheel


font: F25 Executive


font: King


font: Prestige Elite Std

Thank you!

white ink, advice, the perks of being a wallflower, stephen chbosky, font, wrist

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