I've been living in Korea for about 3 weeks, and I'm trying to learn the language on the fly. (Although I did know how to read beforehand.) One thing that I keep hearing a lot is what sounds to me (native English speaker) like 없어요 to mean "don't have." When I try to look the word up online, the only thing I can find is 없어. It occurred to me
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Comments 7
Many: 많다 -> 많아(요)
Few: 적다 -> 적어(요)
Isn't there/doesn't exist: 없다 -> 없어(요)
Is there/does exist: 있다 -> 있어(요)
To Read: 읽다 -> 읽어(요)
To fall over: 넘어지다 -> 넘어져(요)
To fish out: 건지다 -> 건져(요)
Big: 크다 -> 커(요)
To Write: 쓰다 -> 써(요)
To turn off: 끄다 -> 꺼(요)
Small: 작다 -> 작아(요)
To not know: 모르다 -> 몰라(요)
To Sleep: 자다 -> 자(요)
To go: 가다 -> 가(요)
To do: 하다 -> 해(요)
There's obviously a pattern.... There is probably someone studying Korean as a second language who could explain this.
You can see the conjugation paradigm for 없다 (dictionary form as k0dama points out) at http://www.verbix.com/languages/korean.php?verb=%EC%97%86%EB%8B%A4
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