Should I be looking for a new apartment?

Apr 19, 2012 17:18

So the leasing office in my building called me to complain that my apartment has cat food and cat litter in it.

Yes. This would be because I have cats. (Incidentally, I've been paying a $50 monthly fee for 5 years to no apparent purpose, for the privilege of having cats.)

I was kind of blown away that I had to explain to this woman how cats work.

I'm just kind of concerned, especially as my lease is up for renewal soon. Am I going to get harassed on a weekly basis now because there was a mouse in my apartment one time? (Still no sightings since I killed grey mouse three weeks ago!)

ETA: The woman said there would be a follow up letter left at my door. Imagine my surprise when I open this letter and it has absolutely no connection to our conversation and doesn't mention the cat food or litter stuff at all. It implies that my apartment is a shithole (they called it a "serious housekeeping issue" and accused me of not disposing of my trash), accuses me of being the source of the pest problem, and makes vague threats.

I'm still waiting to hear how my 8th floor apartment is the source of a mouse problem. I mean, how does that work? Do the mice fly? Did they visit every apartment in the building with their mouse realtors before they decided to enter the building and start living only in MY walls?

Now I'm really pissed off- they're creating a deliberately misleading paper trail, why I don't know. My response letter is going over there tomorrow. (Don't worry, my brother proofread it to make sure none of my rage made it past my inborn filter.)

apartment, wtf, mouse

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