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Comments 21

jackichen007 August 6 2005, 21:38:05 UTC

can i see bigger pictures of the rhinestones for the cellphones?

hmmm dang!!! the Sparkly jeweled Love Bear mech. pencils w/ colored bead charms are super cute, but i can't decide what color to get ;(


lilymintsales August 7 2005, 08:53:41 UTC
lol, I completely understand. ;D As for the cellphone stickies, they're not rhinestones, but one-piece sheets of stickers to decorate your phone with.

... )


jackichen007 August 7 2005, 18:03:33 UTC
oooh! what other colors do you have of the stickies?

(hehe, btw, i'll get to you about the pencil sometime...aghh! haha ;) )


lilymintsales August 8 2005, 07:23:09 UTC
Just purple right now, but I can get green, yellow, and pink by request. ^^


coranne August 6 2005, 22:57:03 UTC
If you have any cellphone charms left i would love one:)


lilymintsales August 7 2005, 08:55:02 UTC
I have the glow in the dark scottie dogs, and tons more at the IMPORTED section. ;D Go check it out.


murasakimushi August 7 2005, 08:16:46 UTC
You sure you don't have any of those mouse charms left? [yeah, actually it is Totoro, I'm a big fan XDDD;] Because they're so cute~


lilymintsales August 7 2005, 08:56:09 UTC
If the payments don't come through, or if I get more, I'll definitely let you know. :)


murasakimushi August 7 2005, 09:54:30 UTC
Thank you ^^ I hope you can tell me in one week, so I can send you/know not to send the money for them with the rest, ne?! ^^ Thanks again, you have such cute stuffs.


rowlena_rose August 7 2005, 18:12:13 UTC
Hi i'm intrested in the cellphone stickers e-mail rowlena.2ya@gmail.com


rach_inabox August 11 2005, 20:49:58 UTC
ooh if you ever get any more of those totoro/mouse cellphone charms... i'd die for the grey one!


lilymintsales August 11 2005, 21:06:23 UTC
I'll definitely let you know. ^^


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