Mod Challenge 05: Let's Make a Moodtheme!

Apr 01, 2020 19:34

Description: Let's make a moodtheme!

1 - Images are to be 90x50 px only. (90 wide x 50 height)
2 - Images are screened. You will not know who has and who has not posted to a moodtheme word.
3 - You may only post up to 3 images per day, until April 23rd. From April 24th - April 30th you may post up to 5 images per day.
4 - You may make images in advance (esp all you who like to do challenges on weekends), but must follow posting requirements listed above.
5 - You may use any image, but it must clearly illustrate the word described. (IE, we should not have to know show, plot, etc to know your image for "sad" is sad.)
6 - You may only submit one entry per word.

+5 points per image
+15 points if you end up the only one to submit to the moodtheme word
+200 team points to the person who ends up filling in the last empty moodtheme word (IE, all 132 have at least 1 image after this person posts).
+1 for sigtag

Due Date: Thursday, April 30th @ 23.59 PDT.

Countdown clock to April 23rd here; Countdown clock to April 30th here. Time converter here

user: blue_sunflowers, cycle 03, graphics, challenge, mod challenge, mc 05

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