Challenge 12: Vacation

Mar 21, 2021 13:07


What would your favorite character(s) take with them on vacation? :D


- Choose a character. Think of at least 5 things the character would put in their luggage if they were going on vacation. Make a graphic or write a story featuring the 5 things.

- If you make a graphic, you need to use the following photo and paste images of the things on top of it. They can be cut out or just put in with the background if cutting pictures out is not your thing. You can recolor the luggage if you want to. You can make the photo any size you want, as long as the things are visible.

(click for full size)

- You can use stock photos or fandom-specific images (if the character takes some canon props with them).

- Minimum word count for one story is 250 words.

- If you write, you need to mention all 5 things in your story in some way. They could be on an actual list the character has/makes, or they could just be talked about or thought about.

- The things need to be actual physical objects, not something metaphorical like "good mood".

- You can create up to 4 entries, and you can mix and match. So for example you can make 4 graphics for 4 different characters, or write 4 stories about 4 different characters, or choose 2 characters and make 1 graphic + 1 write a story for each of them.

- Post your entry as a comment to your team thread or as a separate post elsewhere (such as keepers_log, your own lj, ao3 or tumblr). Post in your team thread using this form:
My entry:

Total points:



30 points for one graphic or one story (up to 4)

+ 1 point for using a sig tag

Total: 30-121 points

Due Date: Thursday, April 15th Friday, April 16th, 18:00 UTC (Countdown clock here; Time converter here)

guest host, writing, challenge 12, graphics, challenge, cycle 07, user: dance_the_dance

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