Title: Power is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac
Author: ... Not me...
Rating: Brown Cortina
Words: 651
Pairing: Gene/Litton... (yes, I went there) Vague Sam/Gene (because Sam always gets in the way of Gene's relationships, doesn't he?)
Disclaimer: Not mine. At all. And I'm not sorry for using them this way.
A/N: It's still PWP week, right? This is my
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Comments 37
“Now that,” panted Gene as he thrust forwards forcefully, congratulating himself on his inventiveness, “is the best use of paperwork I’ve ever seen.” I can just see Gene saying this (and maybe trying it out on Sam later) :D
You will go down in LoM history as being the first to write Gene/Litton porn. I'm happy to have helped in my humble way ;)
and maybe trying it out on Sam later Obviously! That's a given. :D
Not sure I ever wanted to go down in LoM history for this! Ah well, I've done it now. And it is your fault! You and your 'moustache genre'!! Pleased you liked it though... I thought I'd taken it a bit too far but it seems that people like that sorta thing. *strokes chin thoughtfully* Perhaps we should have Litton/Ray? Or is that too far?
I'm loving Porn Week, with writing like this, we just may have to extend the run.
Thank You! **I think**
Ooooh, let's extend it! ;)
You are very welcome!
This was terrifyingly well written. And even though I've actually always adored Lee Ross, the idea of it being Litton was still well and truly disturbing (though still not as disturbing as Ray.)
More disturbing then Ray? Really? It's the other way round for me... So what would you say about Litton/Ray? :D
You just know that that was the real turn-on for Gene; as has been commented before, Gene is just so hard and brutal in this, both in his treatment of Litton and in his treatment of Sam, and it just work so incredibly well with the theme of the fic, and with his character in general. Seriously, this was a great addition to porn week, even if Litton-sex is a little frightening; it just seemed as if Gene was marking his territory in so many ways... Brilliant!
♥ Thank you so much! I really wasn't expecting praise for this porn-fic at all! Fluffy porn fic - I can't do that. Especially if it's Gene because he is brutal. Yeah, it wouldn't have worked if Gene was, I dunno, wooing Litton, or something, by serenading him or flowers or whispering sweet nothings... Okay, now I've given myself another horrendous image to go with the many others that now occupy my mind... Romeo!Gene and Juliet!Litton...o_0
I can see him calling Litton "Juliet," however.
This week has shown that I have kinks I would never have thought of I know! Never would I have thought I had a thing for moustaches but, apparently, I now do... :S
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