Advent Calendar Day 22: Some blatantly non-holiday-themed icons!

Dec 22, 2013 02:19

Not sure about the rest of you guys, but I cannot believe it's the 22nd of December already! I've got a holiday fic in progress which I'm hoping to finish up and post later today (which is still sort of tomorrow for me), but in the meantime I'm offering icons ( Read more... )

icons, rating: white cortina, character: sam, advent calendar 2013, character: gene

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Comments 8

little_cello December 22 2013, 16:57:02 UTC
Aaahhh Rebeeellllll!! <3333333333333 The last row of icons is soooooo lovely. This succession of expressions, and Sam's FACE AND HIS GRIN IN THE LAST ONE DFKSJHDAK. *silent flailing*

Also really love all of the top row! The Tufty one is so bloody awesome cos it's so OMINOUS. It's like Sam is alone in a twisted haunted version of the station, AND SUDDENLY TUFTY APPEARS, just standing there, silently, and in a moment Sam is going to screeeaaammmmmmm--

3rd icon in the 3rd row is also a favourite - Sam's expression, and the way Gene is still in the shot...! It gives a great sense of drama! <3333

But essentially, they're all really great, thank you so much for shaing!! <3333333333333 I might indeed nab a few! :D <3333


rebelxxwaltz December 23 2013, 13:02:48 UTC
Oh, I'm glad you liked those last four-- they are actually the most recent icons I made, during a re-watch of 2x6 the other night! You've got the complete measure of why I made the icons, as I was just sitting there and fawning over the range of feels Sam was having and his stupid face and smile and had no choice but to try and capture them. Not to mention, dat neck! :D

Some of these were unused favorites from previous icon challenges, so I prettied them up a bit in my careful but unsophisticated way. Feel free to nab away, as icons are meant to be used! <3333333


fern_tree December 22 2013, 19:55:36 UTC
Ooooh Rebel, these are great!!! :D

I love the last set, and... ALL of themmmmmmmmmm! <33333333333333

Plus mmmmmmmm hairporn >:D


rebelxxwaltz December 23 2013, 13:06:59 UTC
What better reasons for icons than Sam's stupid face and Gene hairporn? I was actually shocked by how many icons of Gene's hair (or at the very least the side of his face/head) were sitting in my icon folders! XD

Glad you like; I really do enjoy making icons, so I hope we can have a bit more luck with icon challenges in the new year when we're not all so insanely busy! Thanks for commenting on them. <333333


girlwtmousyhair December 23 2013, 18:45:28 UTC

I keep just glancing at the one in the third row and thinking 'Wolverine?' and then realising. I've done it like four times.

These are ace, stupid, glorious face and all. Also the football one. And the Tufty one. And just all of them.


rebelxxwaltz December 24 2013, 13:16:15 UTC
AHAHAHA, I see what you mean! Well, I'm glad to provide the amusement of an optical illusion for you. :D

Icons are just so much fun, tiny little canvases! Annoying sometimes, too, because often I'll look at a screen cap and say "Hrrm that face would make a great icon!" but many times something just won't fit into the frame correctly or there are distracting items in the background or it just looks darn stupid when you shrink it down... the opposite is also true, though, and I've stumbled across some accidental gems! For me it's just harmless amusement, because I am not sophisticated enough for all that fancy software XDDDD

Anyway, I'm happy to share them. As mentioned above, feel free to snag and use them if the mood strikes!

(P.S. I haven't had any coffee yet and honestly almost just sent this response with the above reading 'shag and use' instead of 'snag and use.' Conclusive proof that my mind lives permanently in the gutter. Please shag me, I'm an icon! Oh lordy...)


talkingtothesky December 26 2013, 12:56:51 UTC
Yayyy thanks for sharing your icon challenge stuff! This is a great set, I think my favourite is #9, with the division between red and blue and the novelty of Sam actually letting Gene into his flat, because Gene respects that Sam is going to feel like shit about the news he's got to deliver, he doesn't need a broken door as well.

Much appreciation for the Gene hair and hand porn contained in #3, too!


rebelxxwaltz December 27 2013, 15:46:54 UTC
Ahaha, can't really go wrong with "I'm not cuffed to the bed, sorry to disappoint you," eh? I'm glad you liked that one, because I thought I may have played around with the color levels a bit too much!

I would say probably only about 1/3 of these were from the most recent icon challenge-- some of the others were far too 'theme specific' to really stand alone as non-challenge icons. The rest were goodies I found in my old icon challenge folders, with the exception of the Sam ones in the bottom row. Those I made during a recent re-watch of 2x6, where his range of expressions and stupidly cute smile were screaming to be iconned (this is a word now). ;)

And you know me-- any opportunity for Gene hair porn and I'm gonna jump on it! Thanks for dropping by to comment. <3333333333


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