Title: The Art of Being Lost and Found (20/?)
Author: dak
Word Count: 1715 (this part); (28,134 in total, so far)
Rating: blue cortina
Warnings: none here
Summary: Post 2.08. When the Guv goes missing, CID is saddled with an inept "interim" DCI. To find Gene, and the truth, Ray must team up with a hated enemy.
A/N: In this chapter - answers! Well, at
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Comments 24
It's about time Ray saw the consequences of his actions. ECT is such a terrible "treatment". He needs to break him out of there after this. He's obviously been affected by what he's seen.
He was quiet and still once it was all over.
So was Sam.
Brilliant way of twisting the first sentence with the last one. Made it that much more powerful.
Hopefully Ray will want to stop Sam from having that treatment now that he's seen it, but finding the Guv is still is number one priority.
Gene has a niece? Yeah, I can see him going in and doing everything he could for Stu's kid(or his own, if suspicions are correct).
And oooh, TCG is back! She always seems to know when showing up will make things even worse for poor Sam, doesn't she?
*waits on tenterhooks for more*
I think Gene would do anything to save a child, especially if it was one somehow related to him.
Can't wait for more. Can we have some more over the weekend? Pretty please?
Thank you!
Thank you!
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