Title: God Knows I’m Good
Author: Drayce
Characters: Sam/Gene
Rating: Green Cortina
Warnings: PWP
Word Count: 100
Notes: Follow up to
Unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed “God Knows I’m Good” is yet another track from Bowie’s Space Oddity.
What exactly did “later” mean?
… After we went back to my place and we got cleaned up?
… After several beers and another quick grope in the alley?
… After I gave you head in the Cortina?
He’d been really good, too. He’d filled out all of the reports, cleaned Gene’s coat and hadn’t asked Gene once what “later” meant.
There wasn’t a Father Christmas and little Sammy wasn’t going to get to fill anyone’s stocking.
“Everyone gone, Tyler?”
“Yes Guv.”
Gene turned to lean on his desk.
“Everything good comes to those who wait, Sammy.”
On to the next,
An Occasional Dream