Because Dylann Roof was decidedly leftist in his thinking (
manifesto here), he is being blamed upon conservatives. Leftists, following Marx and explicitly advocated by Marxist “critical theory,” view everything in terms of race. They are so far lost in this mindset that they strongly believe, against all evidence, that Constitutional conservatives
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Comments 29
Understandably, there is a certain fascination with murderous characters such as Roof, but I don’t seem to be subject to it. However, I suppose now that the corporate news media has grown so bold in its selective reporting we no longer have a choice. We have to know and report the misrepresentations.
And yet it seems that the Vatican has invested in weapons for the Pope's guards. He strikes me as more "elite socialist" than "inspirational religious leader" - though the Left finally has a Pope that gives them hope.
They adore the fact that the Pope considers the US Constitution's and Declaration's notions of God-given rights to be very wrong, and a denial of Americans' duty to social justice and the state. As his spokesman put it:This doctrine not only puts individual rights on a pedestal above all others but also actively denies any claim by society to hold individuals to account for their behavior toward others, other than to respect their liberty. In today’s America, the very idea of virtue has been privatized, ( ... )
The opposite of monarchies ... and the Catholic Church of the time.
===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle
The Left will try to pin this crime on the Right because propaganda, and beneath that, nihilism, is the very air they breathe. But it is not appropriate for the Right, committed to truth, to lie in its service. I don't like the whole "The Democrat Party was pro-slavery and started the KKK" meme, because although that is historical fact (or nearly...I could be wrong, but I doubt the Democrat Party formally instituted the Klan), it is irrelevant 150 years later -- plus, not required in order to show the modern Left is friendly to racists -- plus it's ineffective and thus pointless. Painting Roof in the colors of our political enemies is likewise.
The only reason that the left thinks that conservatives are all racists is that they've been telling themselves this, on the news, on radio, on all their social media, for years.
The new current story seems to be that this cretin was "radicalized" by seeing the Confederate flag. From his own writings, he was radicalized in the aftermath of the Zimmerman/Martin case, and evidently went looking at Confederate memorabilia some time after that (along with Rhodesian and South African and other symbols that meant "racism" to his new-found sensitivity).
If I have something wrong here, please point it out; I will fix it. But you have implied that my post here is an "inappropriate" attempt "to like in [the] service" of "propaganda" and you quoted arguments that I did not make.
My intent was to tell the truth in an effort ( ... )
This is way off base. Universalism doesn't require repentance of anyone -- all are simply accepted. I suspect what you mean is that the representatives of this church offered forgiveness to Roof seemingly without seriously appreciating the depth of his sin and the seriousness of divine judgment.
You may be right, but this doesn't make them Leftists, any more than being racist makes Roof a Leftist.
When the Left attacks gays/blacks/women because they are conservatives, conservatives defend them. Those conservatives do not attack leftists because they are gay or black or female, though they certainly attack leftists because of policy issues. Thus, conservatives give every evidence of being the "party of tolerance" while not actually being a political party per se.
I tend to use "progressive" rather than "liberal" for most American leftists, as that name they adopted for themselves more than a century ago, rather than usurping and reversing the sense of "liberal" that had previously been well understood.
How did you get to the idea of "enforced particularism"? The phrase is new to me.
===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle
===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle
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