
Aug 04, 2004 10:30

Yesterday was back to school night...and i found out me,chris,cole,&brad are all on different teams which is gay. And i'm stuck on the team with all the people that made fun of me last year of course all the stupid fucking wigger and all the preps so i know i'm going to be getting in alot of fights this year. Which is gay. i hate sms. i hope all ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

rapemefriend141 August 4 2004, 07:48:10 UTC
well just think only one more year of sms and you're free


lessthanjakeafx August 4 2004, 08:30:56 UTC
well one more year of hell


ohhhholivia August 4 2004, 07:48:46 UTC
awwwwwwwwwwwwww you should come to pineview. THATS WHERE DA PARTY IS AT, NIGGA


lessthanjakeafx August 4 2004, 08:30:18 UTC
i'm not smart enough


_mi_amor_ August 4 2004, 09:02:11 UTC
I LOVE YOU! I'll beat em up for ya=) Considering im so....big n all haha people are gay! don't worry one more year and ur in high school it'll be better then...but ur not going to hs w/ me=(


x_mari_x August 4 2004, 16:13:17 UTC
Because he's going to highschool with me!!! Don't get in fights, that's stupid.


Oh and, highschool sucks just as much. Sowwie.


guilty__love August 4 2004, 09:11:32 UTC
wait ur supposed to be in highschool now tho rite? im only one yr older than you rite? ahh im confused....oh and u have to add me :) <3 steph


Correct about the agee... _mi_amor_ August 4 2004, 13:36:11 UTC
He's 13, got held back a year, going into 8th. GET ON TRACK STEPH COME ON=) hehe i love u!


Re: Correct about the agee... lessthanjakeafx August 4 2004, 14:51:28 UTC
14 haha


Re: Correct about the agee... guilty__love August 5 2004, 12:12:06 UTC
oh damn im so out of it lol
well its been a while since i talked with miles he never talks to me

:( tear*tear*
<33 you too


HEY! feelin_lucky_ August 4 2004, 15:34:48 UTC
Im sorry u n ur friends rnt on the same team! Meelos I miss u! U n BEn should come over again! ill ttyl


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