I love Shakespeare

Mar 31, 2007 21:08

And this time, the reason I made a whole bunch of icons is because I am doing homework, not because I'm stalling! So I can feel accomplished.

Here be Twilight Princess spoilers )

zelda, icons

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Comments 13

vifetoile April 1 2007, 06:59:49 UTC
Shakespeare and Zelda. XD If I may pimp myself, my icon has a Paradise Lost mini-quote ("Into this wild abyss the wary fiend stood on the brink of hell, and looked awhile, pondering his voyage...") applied to Zelda. :D Now, to your icons!
My favorites are 1 (which is great), 4, 6 (the quote is humorous when paired with that image, a good combo), and 16. Sometimes the image and the text seem to be competing for space, but a little experimentation with spacing can do wonders.
I do wonder, however, why no Twelfth Night quotes: "If music be the food of love, play on!"
"I'm sure care's an enemy to life..."
"She told not her love, but let concealment, like a worm i' the bud, feed on her damask cheek: she pined in thought, and... sat like patience on a monument, smiling at grief. Was this not love indeed?"
And, of course, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em."


morgian_le_faye April 1 2007, 12:49:11 UTC
I really really like "Thou Nature art my goddess." I think I may have to snag it! I promise to credit.


leona_chirer April 1 2007, 14:57:41 UTC
That was the one that started them! Haha...I came across that line while I was writing my term paper on Kin Lear and went, "OH MY GOD!"

...and a spree was born.


leona_chirer April 1 2007, 14:55:58 UTC
Milton quote icon, huh? What an odd coincidence! *pimps self right back*

I do wonder, however, why no Twelfth Night quotes
Because I was just throwing them together quickly, and I plan to do more later. Same reason why, as you put it "the image and the text seem to be competing for space." It's a bad habit of mine to do things lazily and then fix them later...
There were so many I thought of but didn't have time to do. Second post will have those, and good versions of the ones I don't like here.

"If music be the food of love, play on!"
This crossed by mind, but I stupidly didn't realize that it would apply to Zelda! Thank you!

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em."
PERFECT. If I wasn't on my way out the door, I would make it right now.


twilightsocks April 12 2007, 23:31:31 UTC
These are just lovely. Taking some, and I'll credit when I use them. I tend to rotate my icons quite a bit. :)


fionn_fael May 1 2007, 05:11:13 UTC
You are so awesome. I took four or five, and will credit.


merigreenleaf May 13 2007, 19:34:40 UTC
Oh no! I had bookmarked this entry to come back to later, but not some of them are coming up blank from photobucket. :(


merigreenleaf May 13 2007, 19:49:01 UTC
Err.. "now", I mean.


leona_chirer May 13 2007, 20:32:04 UTC
Yes; that's because those are the ones that I didn't like and redid on the second post, which is here: http://community.livejournal.com/zelda_icons/109127.html#cutid1


merigreenleaf May 13 2007, 22:56:26 UTC
Oh, I missed that post! Thanks for the link!
... haha, Link! XD


kayra_pauline July 6 2007, 22:57:19 UTC
Taking 10, will credit if used! :)


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