FIC- Veronica Mars/Friday Night Lights x-over (Veronica/Billy) 2/?

Mar 30, 2007 21:52

Wow, I have been a fic-posting machine this week. Go me.

Title: Billy
Pairing/Characters: Veronica/Billy Riggins, Timmy Riggins (VM/Friday Night Lights)
Rating: pg (for this part)
Word Count: 1538
Spoilers/Warnings: set post Not Pictured, and around the same chronological time in the FNL-verse, so June 2006 would make it pre-series.
Summary: Veronica has trust issues.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: I swear I’m not being cryptic about why Veronica is in Texas. This story is not a mystery, she just hasn’t had a chance to be quiet with her thoughts yet. I’d like to thank hope27 for making me these beautiful graphics, and thanks again to rindee for beta-ing!

Part I (Kindness Of Strangers)

Veronica’s eyes were nearly closed in the warmth of Bill’s truck, but every time she felt her head begin to drop, she pinched her own thigh. If she made it through this ride, she would check herself into a mental facility. Because surely only an insane woman got into a truck with a man she didn’t know- in a place she’d never been. And the road surrounding them was every bit as dark and empty as it had been at her car. She dug her cell phone out of her bag and checked to see if there was a signal yet. No such luck.

“It’s right up there, you see?” Bill pointed to a faint blinking light up the road; Veronica recognized it was a motel up ahead. She nodded, breathing an inaudible sigh of relief.

“See? Safe and sound, little miss,” he put the truck into park.

“You don’t need to get out, this is fine,” Veronica said, sliding her bag over her shoulder. He’d told her that she had to learn to depend on the kindness of strangers, but already, she was uncomfortable with the amount of favors he had done for her.

“Ain’t nothin’, Veronica,” he drawled, opening his own door, and heading toward the brightly lit motel office.

Veronica took a deep breath before getting out and following him. He walked slowly, waiting for her to catch up. “Really, I’m fine from here,” she protested. “I just need to call a tow truck to get my car. You can go...home, or wherever you were headed.”

He laughed, a low, slow chuckle. “Tow truck? It’s the middle of the night, no one’s going to head out until the morning. I can come back-“

“No, really it’s fine,” Veronica held up her hand, gave him a tight smile, continuing to walk towards the motel office. She could hear him still laughing behind her.

“Girl, you do your damnedest not to let anyone help you, don’t you?”

“You have no idea,” Veronica said, under her breath. She pushed open the door of the office, and was greeted by the heartwarming sight of the oily desk clerk sleeping on his comic books, a fuzzy TV staticking out behind him. Behind her, she heard Bill sigh, and he stepped forward, rapping the clerk on the back of his head.

“Get up, George,” he said, vigourously nudging him, and George’s head sprang up.

“Mmm, what can I do for you, Billy?” he murmured, sleepily.

“You a regular here?” Veronica asked. Bill threw her an aw, shucks grin over his shoulder. It seemed ‘Billy’ didn’t embarrass easily. Veronica rolled her eyes, trying to suppress her own smile, and turned to the clerk. “I need to rent a room. How much is it for one night?”

“It’s, uh, seventy-nine bucks, but I can’t rent you a room,” George answered, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.
“Why not?” Veronica asked. She’d already taken out her wallet and was counting out cash.

“All full for the night,” he answered.

Veronica glanced at Bill; he was scratching the back of his head. No help there. “Well..can you check again?”

“No need, ma’am,” George answered. “It’s the only time this’s ever happened. I checked and double-checked already.”

“Of course it’s the only time it’s ever happened,” Veronica whispered to herself. She slung her bag over her shoulder, and said, curtly, “Thanks,” before heading back out the door.

“Hey, hey, where you going?” She didn’t turn as she heard Bill following her outside.

“I’m just...I’m just gonna call a cab, go sleep in my car for the night,” Veronica said, too tired to even care. She held her cell phone up over her shoulder, trying to maximize her signal.

“No, no, no, come on now, you don’t want to do that,” Bill said, putting his hand over hers. Veronica tensed beneath his fingers, and noticing her stiffen, he removed them. “Come on, I’ll...I’ll take you some place else.”

“Why are you helping me?” Veronica said, her exasperation finally creeping into her voice.

He laughed, hitching his fists deep in his pockets. “Would you believe because I think you’re cute?” Veronica swallowed hard, and instinctively her hand closed over her taser in her bag. Bill was grinning flirtatiously at her, but his smile softened. “Look, it just happened. You were pulled distess, or whatever, I’m not gonna leave you alone at this point. Come on, just get in the truck. You look like you’re about to drop.”

Veronica must have been even more tired than she originally thought because she wordlessly followed him. As he started driving again, Veronica spoke up, her voice sounding groggy and muddled in her head. “Look, where’s this other hotel? I mean...I can’t afford anywhere fancy...”

“Well, I think you’ll do just fine,” Bill said, as he made a turn into a residential neighborhood. “And the place I’m taking you free.”

Veronica almost shuddered when he stopped in front of a somewhat rundown ranch house. She glanced around, the neighborhood was full of mini-vans and SUV’s. It seemed like a lot of families lived there, and not exactly a place for a bachelor. A passing wonder if Bill was married ran through her mind. “Oh no, I can’t stay at your house.”

“Oh come on, I know it’s not perfect,” Bill said, turning towards her. “But really, do you have any other option at this point? Look, we’ll get up, first thing in the morning, head down to the garage, get your car picked up...Where were you headed anyway?”

Veronica sighed. “Dillon.”

“Well...There’s a start, right? One good thing,” Bill said, taking the keys out of the ignition. “Come on, you’re all right here, we got an extra room...You can even lock the door, if you still don’t trust me.” He said it with a smile, but Veronica’s normally stoic poker face must have been reading loud and clear how suspicious and worried she was feeling. “Look,” he said, his eyes gentle. “You’ll be all right. Just come on in, now.”

Veronica took a deep breath. At this point, she really didn’t have any other choice. She followed him into the house and took stock of the situation. Beer cases and mini-golf tees were littered all over the ‘living room’. Frat house? She didn’t think so, they were too far from Austin. Then a figure moved off the couch, as graceful as a waking bear. It was a teenaged boy, about her own age, dressed in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs. “Timmy, put some pants on for chrissake!” Bill said, rapping ‘Timmy’ on the head much in the same way he had George. Veronica figured it was his usual greeting.

“Shu’up, Billy,” Timmy mumbled, yawning. He blinked a few times then checked out Veronica up and down. She had no idea why, since she felt like she’d been through the ringer a few times, and probably looked worse, but he threw what he undoubtedly thought was a sexy smile in her direction. “Hey there,” he leered.

Veronica rolled her eyes, but once again, Billy- it seemed the only person who called him Bill was himself- came to her rescue. “Timmy, that’s Veronica. We all know you’re a stud, for once don’t be a moron-" And Veronica did a double-take when she heard that. Those words sounded very familiar. “-Just get on back to your room.”

Timmy pushed himself off the couch, and stumbled down to a dark hallway. “My little brother,” Billy said, shrugging apologetically. “Follow me,” he motioned in the opposite direction of Timmy. “Come on, you can sleep right in here.” He opened a door and flipped on a light, and Veronica was surprised to see a bedroom which was surprisingly neat and clean compared to the wreck of the living room. The room looked too girly to be Billy’s- or Timmy’s for that matter- but Veronica didn’t ask any questions. “All right, it’s about two-thirty now, so why don’t we try to get three or four hours of sleep? We’ll get your car in the morning. I don’t have to leave for work until quarter past eight, so...”

“Billy,” Veronica stopped him, trying out his nickname for the first time. He raised an eyebrow at her, but she could see the corner of his mouth twitching up. “Um, thanks. For all this. You...really didn’t have to.”

He shrugged. “It’s fine. Just go on and get some rest, Veronica.” He smiled at her, warm and kind, and Veronica realized that he was a good-looking guy, if not necessarily her type. With one final nod, he shut the door behind him.

Veronica glanced around the room, and finally sat down on the bed, her tired muscles slowly relaxing. She was so, so tired, but all of a sudden, not very sleepy. She kicked off her shoes, and opened her shoulderbag, reaching for an envelope she had tucked inside. She’d read the letter a thousand times over the past couple of weeks, but she needed to see it again. She needed to see his words, even if she couldn’t be with him. “Dear Veronica...”

tv discussion, fic: crossover, story: miles to go before i sleep, fic: veronica mars, fic: friday night lights, fanfiction

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