If You Don't Shoot It, How Am I Supposed To Hold It

Feb 23, 2014 19:15

So! 30 Days of OTP's...Yeah, let's just go ahead and call it, like, the Unspecified Amount of Days of OTP's.

Anyway for today's category...


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These three, let me tell you. No combination of these three were ever a canon pairing, but at one point, GH made it a point to show the three of them as a necessary core to each other. Kristina and Johnny were from warring crime families, and Ethan was gorgeously caught between them. *It's entirely possible that I choose to remember this the way I want it to be. There is no doubt in my mind at all that Ethan was just as madly in love with Kristina as she was with him (maybe even more so). And the self-loathing that he must have felt for himself to so completely turn his world inside out over her. And then Kristina and Johnny- never quite flirtatious with each other, but everyone in their lives was always losing their shit that they were secretly dating or something. And always with this kindred spirit understanding between them. And Johnny and Ethan's unwavering loyalty to one another. Fuck, these three. And there was a physicality with all of them, with Lexi being this tiny little slip of a thing, and both of these guys always jumping to attention for her.

Shameless, but I'm kind of proud of this fic. My oh-so self-indulgent Big Bang for them (that I am always tinkering at a sequel to):

9 Crimes

Not especially fond of the title, but that song is this story to a t.

Day 01 - OTP Because OTP (Because Who Would Even Argue) Eric/Tami (Friday Night Lights)
Day 02 - Current OTP Emery/Roman (Star-Crossed)
Day 03 - OTP That Started Your Fannish Journey Veronica/Weevil (Veronica Mars)
Day 04 - OT3+ Ethan/Kristina/Johnny (General Hospital
Day 05 - OTP For Whom You Never Seem To Run Out Of Inspiration
Day 06 - Crossover OTP
Day 07 - Real People OTP
Day 08 - OTP That Has Put You Through The Ringer
Day 09 - Endgame OTP
Day 10 - NonCanon OTP
Day 11 - Guilty Pleasure OTP
Day 12 - Out Of Your Comfort Zone OTP
Day 13 - Star Crossed OTP
Day 14 - Childhood OTP (Before You Knew What Shipping Was)
Day 15 - Fluffy OTP
Day 16 - Angstiest OTP
Day 17 - Hardcore/Kickass OTP
Day 18 - Sexiest OTP
Day 19 - Not Necessarily Romantic OTP
Day 20 - Best Kiss/Best Kissers
Day 21 - Movie OTP
Day 22 - Book OTP
Day 23 - OTP That You Grew To Love
Day 24 - You're Standing Alone With This OTP (You Don't Care)
Day 25 - Bad Timing OTP
Day 26 - OTP That You Relate To The Most
Day 27 - OTP That You Always Forget To Talk About
Day 28 - OTP With The Best Canon Story
Day 29 - OTP For Whom You Have The Most Head Canon
Day 30 - OTP of OTP's


Also this happened today, and nobody was more shocked than me. I wrote a little ficlet for jada_jasmine's sweet Make-A-Wish Ficathon.

John meets Miss Taylor when his hair is short, his collar is popped and he is on top of the fucking world. She literally runs up to him and drags on his arm and is like any other eighteen-year-old kid who wants an autograph and a picture. She’s so hilariously cute it’s almost unbelievable. In the end, someone does get a picture (always, of course), and when he comes across it, he gets ahold of her number to text it to her.

And so that begins.

She texts him, all the time, little heartbreaking stories that he knows all too well, that he remembers from past lives, treating him like her own diary, and he engages her, all too easily. She shows up at a gig he has in Atlanta, and ends up hitching a ride back to her hotel on his bus. (They’re parked outside the St. Regis for three hours, him teaching her to play slide guitar and her shyly strumming out a song she calls Sparks Fly.) He actually joins her onstage in LA after all this nonsense.

And then he kisses her.

He pulls back immediately, but she’s back on him in a heartbeat, slim arms flung around his neck and curly hair surrounding him. They make out for forty-five minutes, and then she just stops and literally runs away.

Not the first time that’s happened.

He sends her the final cut of the song they managed to record in one cold, rainy New York afternoon (where she smiled and laughed the entire time, and he didn’t even get aggravated with that), and that opens back the marathon of texts, which are so completely less about the music at this point, but a play-by-play of each of their days. And the sick thing is, he actually does want to know everything. She’s coming back to New York in December. He’s singing along to their song for two weeks before the show.

When he kisses her this time, in her sparkly, sparkly dress, he pulls her in, slows her down, takes over. It’s been too long coming. He knows it’s going to happen, and doesn’t know what’s up for after that, but it has to happen now, or he’s going to explode. Maybe it would all be all right.

The story goes the way it usually does after that.


John meets his Katy-girl when he looks and feels like a man who’s been sent back in time and hasn’t weathered the journey well. Whenever he’d seen her before, she always had, like, blue or purple hair and a Dr. Seuss dress or something. With inky black hair and a hot little black cocktail dress (an old, personal favorite), she’s something he would have died over in his early New York days. But her pretty, big Betty Boop eyes are tired. And that kind of feels like home to him, these days.

They go out to dinner, and talk on the phone the way people did before the age of social media. She’s lovely, and there’s something he recognizes of himself in her. Not like a kindred spirit, not like that, but an understanding of the world that they live in. And he thinks something else, about fate and choice, but if he’s getting too philosophical about it, he’s going in the wrong direction.

It’s always been a problem for him, that he always thinks of the Last One as he gets closer and more intimate with the Current One. Always been a problem, and it’s both a comfort and a thorn in knowing that certain things don’t change. Now, that One, it’s impossible to miss her these days, and he gets that feeling again, he sees the world she’s living in, and it’s a familiar place and on some level, his heart breaks for her all over again.

He wonders if Katy can see when he’s lost in those other thoughts, but it’s not really like that with her. Besides- she’s had a life too, and she gets it.


tv discussion, memes, tv: general hospital, real people fic, taylor swift, fanfiction

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