Every Lesson Forms A New Scar (Spartacus: Diona, 1/1)

May 24, 2012 22:27

Title: Every Lesson Forms A New Scar
Rating: pg
Word Count: 425
Summary: As if she could remember that girl...
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Author’s Note: This is part of a larger AU that I am/will be writing (when I have the time, *sigh*) where basically the long and short of it is, Everyone Lives. The End. This was written for the Other Roads commentathon at spartacus2010.

Diona cannot decide whether she trusts Mira and Sura, or if she wants to. Of course, she does not want to trust anyone, but Gannicus has convinced her that if she’s to live among these people, she must make an effort to really be among them, not always keeping one eye open for any sign of danger. And these women, she did not know them before, so there’s less pressure to be as she was. As if she could even remember that girl.

They are successful on their hunt, and Sura gloats at her husband when the men return to camp, empty-handed. It is no matter. None will go hungry tonight, and these men do not care where their meat came from, so long as it ends up in their bellies.

Diona keeps her gaze lowered when they bring the boar to Melania to have it prepared for tonight’s bounty. Naevia and Aurelia are already at work, kneading the dough for tomorrow’s bread and are chattering away and they do not see her at first. Apparently Aurelia’s little boy had gotten in some mischief that they were laughing at, the happy little mother at once exasperated and proud. Diona was hoping to slip out unnoticed the way she came, when Naevia turned around, smiling widely at her friend.

“Diona! You’ve returned, please be good enough to help us with-”

“I’m wanted in the yard,” she mutters under her breath and flees before she can further pad her flimsy excuse.

She truly has nowhere to be, so she is hiding within the temple, finding solace in the quiet and the dark when she hears footsteps disturbing her and is ready to jump up, run, hide (all of the old habits) but Pietros’s voice calms through the din. “It is only me.”

He sits next to her, offering his waterskin. She had not drank any since she left on the hunt, and gulps greedily. “Gratitude.”

Pietros sighs and her eyes are adjusting to where she can make him out in the dark, the ugly scar across his left eye and cheekbone. He’d been such a blindingly beautiful boy that the mark seems more decoration than disfigurement. “She is trying, you know.”

Diona sighs. “I know.”

“It was the greatest joy to see you once again, and hold you, a real thing in her arms, no longer just a childhood dream. We have all found each other again. It is a blessing.”

Diona says nothing.


fic: spartacus, fanfiction

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