And now, some meme-age...

Aug 01, 2009 13:51

I think I’ll spam LJ today what do you guys think?

erinlyn98 posted 5 questions for me to answer. Leave me a comment and I’ll do the same for you!

1.) Your top 3 crossover ships~Well, I LOVE crossove ships, so this is hard for me. But the ones where I’ve imagined entire realities, what happens and how they make it work are ( Read more... )

tv discussion, memes, fic: crossover, book discussion

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Comments 16

laminy August 1 2009, 18:47:42 UTC
At first, I read the answer to the superpower question as "I have the ability to hear other's thoughts", and I was just like, uh, no, that's not creepy, that's crazy, lol. Glad to reread it and see that it's just a hypothetical.


leobrat August 1 2009, 19:24:01 UTC
That would be *awesome*.


boy_named_susie August 1 2009, 19:13:12 UTC
I've been meaning to reread GWTW forever now. It's my favorite, but I haven't picked it up in years. I also need a new copy as mine is falling apart. So yeah, I'd be interested in a book club.


leobrat August 1 2009, 19:24:58 UTC
I know! I loaned my copy to a friend like 6 years ago and she's moved like 47 times and I know she never read it so I don't anticipate getting it back.


boy_named_susie August 2 2009, 00:07:49 UTC
I hate it when I lend books and never get them back.

And hit me with five questions!


leobrat August 2 2009, 00:28:27 UTC


1.) Veronica/Angelus (almost possessing me lately)- your thoughts?
2.) Cordelia crossover ships
3.) It was one of my questions but I'm curious- 3 Favorite Books
4.) City mouse or country mouse?
5.) Do you prefer summer or winter?


rach_buh August 1 2009, 20:38:36 UTC
A book club sounds great!

But maybe I'll join you after Gone with the Wind...the film was enough for me, lol.


leobrat August 1 2009, 21:37:47 UTC
Oh, the book is so good! LOL, but I'll keep you posted.


sugarpromises August 1 2009, 20:51:04 UTC
Ooh... I love answering questions!

Ps, a book club sounds kinda neat actually. I don't know if I'll read GWTW though, did you like it your first first through?


leobrat August 1 2009, 21:47:26 UTC

1.) Top 3 GH Ships
2.) 3 Most Heartbreaking Songs
3.) Childhood Ambition
4.) If you won the lottery, first thing you would buy (after all the boring stuff was done, i.e. paying off loans/debt, setting up loved ones for life, etc.) So in other words, the first toy.
5. Dinner with one (famous) person, dead or alive, who would it be.

And as far as GWTW, I read it for the first time when I was 12, more to just be a little snoot and say that I read it, so a lot of it sort of washed around me and I didn't get it (like when I watched Dirty Dancing when I was 5 and I didn't get it), but I think as an adult, yes, definitely I would love it. I think it's telling that even though I didn't really get a lot of it, I had already read it 4 more times by the time I was 16 (and most any copy you find will be over 1000 pages), and kept reading it once a year, until I loaned that copy to my friend and never got it back. It's not a difficult read (on par with Lisa Kleypas, Nora Roberts, etc.)


shealynn88 August 1 2009, 21:30:26 UTC
Oh, cool. Hit me!

I've never read Gone With the Wind...if you decide to reread, I will totally be part of your book club. :)

You know what's sad? I'm dogsitting and there is not ONE piece of paper anywhere. I'm going a little insane, because I want to doodle and make notes and jot down things that wouldn't make sense to put on my computer. ARG! So I completely sympathise with your hypothetical island situation.


leobrat August 1 2009, 21:52:42 UTC
Oh, I've been dogsitting lately too! It's fun, isn't it? And BLERG, don't those people ever have to make grocery lists?

GWTW is FAAAABULOUS (in my opinion, according to my high school English teacher it is *not* literature). I'm thinking I'll definitely do it. I'll have to figure out how I want to set it up.

And questions!

1.) First celebrity crush (be honest! mine was Michael Jackson!)
2.) Top 3 TV friendships
3.) Bottom 3 movie ships (like, as in, couples that all but ruined the movie for you)
4.) For take out- Chinese or Pizza?
5.) What is on your desktop right now? (You can just describe it- I wouldn't ask anyone else to do a screenshot considering I don't know how.)


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