Hot violinist, and not the guy in the tight pants

Apr 11, 2011 19:23

 I love YouTube and I'm not ashamed to admit it.  Not only can you find stupid stuff like "Charlie the Unicorn," but you can find awesome stuff too.  For example, the flash-mob that sang Hallelujah Chorus in the Canadian Mall, which still gives me chills.  And, you can find this:

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The guy in the tight leather pants is Mark Wood, the former lead ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

hamarakissa April 12 2011, 05:28:40 UTC
Very awesome! Totally wouldn't have known that was Jesse Spencer :x But I love him from House! :) Also - Mark Wood is amazing and if I had the money for a Viper... SO WOULD GET ONE!


lcviolin07 April 12 2011, 17:38:54 UTC
hehe :) I know, right? He plays with the group Band from TV. Hugh Laurie plays piano/keyboards for them and they raise money for charities. I'd love to go see them play sometime!


vapor April 12 2011, 15:19:08 UTC
That was fun! Violin is an instrument I'd LOVE to learn to play. And I had no idea Jesse Spencer played!


lcviolin07 April 12 2011, 17:37:34 UTC
Isn't that cool? I used Jesse as an example when I was teaching strings. I'd tell the kids "see, even famous people play string instruments!" :)


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