
Jun 13, 2007 23:12

$120 for parts for car, that is with stepfather's 40% discount at auto place and without cost of labor beyond owing him for the rest of my life and paying for gas every time I get a ride to work also buying him gift certificate at Dutch Bros ( Read more... )

kh, rl

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Comments 14

tekalynn June 14 2007, 06:20:28 UTC
Sora is the rubber ball of KH, bouncing back from absolutely everything.

Riku needs meds.


lazulisong June 14 2007, 06:27:22 UTC
I love Sora a lot but he doesn't have the imagination to get depressed like Riku. I mean. It's not in his basic makeup. Not even Roxas comes off as really depressed -- reserved, but he/they don't have that particular problem. RIKU ON THE OTHER HAND is pretty classic.


tammaiya June 14 2007, 06:34:08 UTC
Roxas is... more apathetic than anything. Which is a symptom of depression but he doesn't back it up with all the other stuff. Whereas Riku, YEAH. He's pretty textbook. Even before all the shit in KHI I reckon he must have some pretty heavy insecurity issues.


lazulisong June 14 2007, 06:42:56 UTC
Roxas seriously just doesn't give a shit, and besides he's an introvert. And, I don't know how to put this coherently but with Sora and Roxas, if they feel something they feel it honestly. If they're sad they're sad, if they're happy they're happy, and so the emotions don't get a chance to fester. With Riku, he internalizes a lot and doesn't express his feelings very easily, so his emotions get sort of um ... weird.


moonsheen June 14 2007, 06:56:20 UTC
I've never understood fandom's need to have Sora cut himself. Firstly, it's SORA. Secondly, in the wise words of the movie Dead Man on Campus: NO ONE WHO SINGS SHOWTUNES IS DEPRESSED. Riku on the other hand is just a mess of overcompensation/identity issues/insecurity/dependency issues you'd never guess he had with the front he puts up until, well, events of the game.

But seriously, fandom, stop making Sora an suicidal crackwhore. Also, stop making Riku all poetic. Kid's a dumb jock.


lazulisong June 14 2007, 07:35:09 UTC
I know! you would think it would eventually occur to them that the entire game is based on Sora's unquenchable optimism and yaru-ki, not his emo being emo.

Riku tried to read poetry, it just annoyed him. His level is more, you know, Linkin Park and mmmmaybe Skillet.


katarzi June 14 2007, 11:16:56 UTC
Adding you because adding people I barely know but amuse me greatly is just how I roll.


eajou June 14 2007, 15:41:08 UTC
missdeep sent me to you to have your BABIES!!!!!!!


lazulisong June 14 2007, 21:38:17 UTC


eajou June 14 2007, 22:28:47 UTC



branchandroot June 14 2007, 15:45:19 UTC
*stares* Sora isn't /capable/ of being depressed. Are these more crazy people who did not play the game or even read the script or watch cutscenes before writing fic? Good grief.

Also, the ability of CCS fandom to not be aware of the Other Side (anime or manga) stuns me every time.


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