Title: The Adventure of Momotaro Momokame (1/?)
Author: lanheart
Pairing(s): none, implied akame
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Can i have Kazuya?
Summary: Koyama wants to try out a new segment for Shokura. He named it “Live Storytelling”. For that, he inquire the help from his co-host Nakamura along with his group member KAT-TUN. He demand them to practice
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Comments 5
And I wonder what Jin's role is. King of demon?
Cute fic, please continue.
you got it right, jin's the king demon^^
although this fic is based from momotaro story, i'll probably stray from it, please look forward to part 2
love it!!
i want to read more~~
it's funny LOL!! grandma maru who has a big nose :P
I LOVE you for that!! *kiss*
I'll LOVE you MORE if you makes Kokunno too~
Hehee.. *grin*
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