Title: Loveless
daily15Fandom: FFVII
Pairing: Hidden
Warnings: None ~ except that I wrote & editted this in 15 minutes while exhausted, so the quality is likely crap.
She used to think that he’d come back to her. She was so sure she could almost feel him by her side already. It didn’t matter that he had clearly expressed interest in other women. She knew him, perhaps better than he knew himself, she used to think. Certainly well enough to know that she loved him.
He had never been one to be tied down. Just like his hair, he was wild and free, nearly impossible to tame. It was one of the things that she’d loved the most about him, the way it stuck out at all angles and refused to be controlled. It had felt so soft, so smooth when she ran her fingers through it as he lay with his head in her lap. He would smile up at her with those bright clear eyes and tell her that she was wonderful, and she would smile and tell him how glad she was that he realized that.
He would laugh, then.
His laugh… She wasn’t sure she had words to describe about that laugh. Usually his laughs were like the rest of him, loud and uncontrolled, but that laugh wasn’t one of them. It was softer, like his hair, and came with a twinkle of mirth shining in his eyes. It was one of the reasons she’d expected him to return - she’d never heard him laugh like that for anyone else.
She wondered, sometimes, where he was. He’d told her he was going on a mission and would be back in a week or two.
“Wait for me,” he’d said, a roguish grin on his face, “and we’ll go see Loveless together.”
She had thought she’d have to drag him to it, because he hated chick flicks, but it seemed he knew just how much she wanted to see it.
“I’ve got a surprise for you.” He’d said, and she’d been so excited she could scarce breathe. “I’ll be back in a week.”
He’d been gone for more than a week. Then the week had become a month, and then a year, and suddenly five years had passed and she still hadn’t heard back from him.
Five years pass rather slowly when you’re waiting for love’s return.
Then it had happened. Cloud had fallen through the roof of her church with Zack’s sword strapped across his back, and Aerith had known in a bittersweet flash of clarity that she would have to see Loveless alone.