
Aug 15, 2012 20:55

1. So I have finished all of Leverage, and I am enamoured entirely. What're your opinions on this season? Also, I am writing three separate Hardison/Parker idfics and trying and desperately failing to think of a good ship for Eliot. ETA: Or, also, a good adopted child. Does anyone have a fandom with lots of unhappy orphan types?

2. Has anyone read ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

penny_lane_42 August 16 2012, 00:21:35 UTC


It's kind of early in the season for me to tell, but I think it's fine. Does it seem to have a slightly more somber tone to you or is that just me?

A good adopted child for Eliot omg! I will ponder this because that needs to happen.

Leverage - Hardison/Parker - bottle, yellow, song, sit, sharp


laeria August 16 2012, 17:41:08 UTC
Hmm, yeah, Nate's ominous little "all good things must come to an end" line definitely rendered it somber. I'd like it if they explored the consequences of the S4 finale a bit more thoroughly - like, I don't really think that got fully resolved in Nate's head. (nor in Eliot's, really.) I wouldn't mind if they explored some darkness, as long as my ship remains unmarred.

Good words!

bottle: Things that freak Parker out: wedding toppings (with their beady little eyes), Nate's ship-in-a-bottle habit, reincarnation, the way Alec looks at her like she'll always be there for him.

yellow: "This is not your colour," he says, and peels the silk dress off without triggering the sound alarm.

song: Alec can't begin to guess how Parker convinced Janelle - seriously, Janelle Monáe - to let him perform with her on stage, but it's still the best anniversary gift ever.

sit: Lap dances are much more interesting in practice than they are in theory, Parker thinks, forgetting about the con entirely as she watches The Hardiman's smooth-ish moves.

... )


egelantier August 16 2012, 20:32:20 UTC
who says i didn't dude :)

(my prediction for this season's big arc is that nate's buying it, somehow. he's clearly grooming hardison, and hardison's clearly on it. although who knows, really).

aieeeeee janelle monae! and oh. hardison, you batman you. and parker, getting it right when it counts ♥


laeria August 16 2012, 20:34:24 UTC
*biting it?

... that would be VERY interesting. Though, poor Sophy.


egelantier August 16 2012, 07:56:19 UTC
the last episode was just. made. of joy. in all it's angles.


demon's noun, alan/sin, exhaustion, discovery, duel, race, warmth, dungeons
kenshin, rain, regret, risk, running, roles


laeria August 16 2012, 17:43:00 UTC
Yessssss. I was kinda annoyed by Eliot in the hockey one - you know how I feel about glorified army memories - but I loved his softness here. And I loved the ET one too, because, you know, staaaaars. (Also, theme songs!)

"Just a little farther," he lies, and tries to ignore how hard she is shaking.

The best thing about Clive, Bambi discovers, is that, unlike Alan, he doesn't mind being caught doing things in public.

"I was not defending your virtue," she mutters as she cleans her sword.

On their honeymoon, they sell the Brooklyn Bridge in under twenty minutes, thereby breaking the record previously held by Sophie Devereaux.

"I know you have my brother," Alan says just as the ceiling collapses on his torturer, "but you forgot about my wife."

So, clearly I love you, because Kenshin is haaard.

Some rainy days are better than others; every rainy day can be improved by jumping in puddles with the girls (and getting yelled at by their sister).

regret:"I could have been a fisherman," ( ... )


laeria August 16 2012, 17:44:30 UTC
Also, I am divided on my Hiko characterisation, but I guess he'd remember the name just in case he ever wants to torture himself with his sins.


egelantier August 16 2012, 20:24:52 UTC
(there will be some more hiko in kyoto ark. and he's, in all his ways, a complicated creature).


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