I am so behind on everything. Sorry, guys! I promise to catch up as soon as I can. Happy New Year!
Title: Mistletoe Kiss
Author: Lady Yueh
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not my property and no infringement is intended.
Prompt: #17: Logan kisses Alec under the mistletoe as a joke and find himself affected more deeply than he'd intended
Terminal City was in full swing.
The alcohol was bootleg (which really wasn’t any different to the rest of the city), the food unhealthy, and the music obnoxiously loud.
It wasn’t anything like the stale, fake Christmas parties Logan had been subjected to in his life. Everyone was rowdy, excited, alive.
“Lookin’ for Maxie?”
Logan turned at the question, nodding in answer at a loose-limbed, seemingly relaxed Alec. “Yeah. You know where she is?”
Alec straightened and came to stand beside him. “This way,” he said as he started to lead Logan through the crowds of revelers.
“Merry Christmas, Alec,” Logan broke the silence.
Alec simply shook his head, lips curled into a slight smirk. “You don’t actually buy that Christmas stuff, do you? The only good thing is the alcohol and that mistletoe tradition. I've gotten so much tail because of it.”
Logan chuckled. For once, he was amused instead of irritated by Alec’s flirtatious manner. “It’s a reason to celebrate, I suppose. How did you guys get mistletoe, anyway?”
“It’s fake,” Alec admitted. “But no one cares. I strung up so much of that stuff…” he trailed off meaningfully, waggled his eyebrows lasciviously, and leered.
“Stop!” Came Max’s shout.
Alec and Logan froze, the former falling into a battle ready stance and the latter tensing in preparation for anything.
Max appeared from amongst the crowd with a wide and mischievous grin that made Alec and Logan relax on the attack front and raised their hackles for different reasons all together.
“What?” Logan asked warily.
Max pointed up and they followed her finger to the pathetic piece of greenery that was perfectly situated above their heads.
Alec’s jaw fell. “What? But I didn’t put that there!”
Max’s feline DNA had to have been the reason for her perfect ‘cat that got the cream and the canary’ smirk. “No, I did,” she said with smug satisfaction. “You’re not afraid of a little kiss, are you?” she challenged.
Alec puffed up. “I’m just worried about Logan, he obviously doesn’t want a kiss from me. His loss.”
“Logan’s not the one complaining,” Max teased.
Stuck between their banter, Logan silently wondered if Max had forgotten how much he’d changed since their first meeting, if she now considered him some kind of naïve gentleman. He was older than her, more experienced in some ways, he’d gone to college, and rebelled against the authority of his guardians with lots of experimentation; a little kiss wasn’t much to get worked up about, really.
“You two are ridiculous,” he spoke aloud.
They stopped arguing and turned to him in perfect synchronization, as if they’d practiced it, with matching expressions of affront.
“And childish,” he added with a little bit of glee. After all, it wasn’t everyday he got one over on those two.
As if on cue, they both opened their mouths, presumably to argue, but Logan preempted them neatly.
He reached out, snagged a hand into the lapels of Alec’s leather jacket, and reeled the younger man in before lowering his head to press a indifferent kiss to Alec’s mouth.
And that’s where it all went wrong.
If Alec had been surprised at the caress it definitely didn’t show because he participated in it fully. Instead of the chaste brush Logan had been planning, Alec fused their mouths together, made the kiss languorous and soft. Lush, wet, heat with a shiver inducing hint of teeth, and the faint taste of alcohol.
The rising need for oxygen made Logan break away and the haze of unexpected lust cleared as he took in air. The existence of the outside world--the pounding music, the people, Max-- all came rushing back, leaving him reeling.
Logan could barely tear his eyes away from Alec’s flushed face, the kiss-swollen mouth, stained a rich red…
Didn’t he have enough problems without an unexpected (scorching, mind-numbing, nerve tingling) attraction to Alec of all people?
He was so screwed.