Fic: Learning About Home

Mar 12, 2010 20:33

Title: Learning About Home
Pairings/Characters: Sam/Dean, mention of Jessica, John
Rating: PG
Warnings: Incest
Spoilers: 1.01 - yeah I know, I know...
Word Count: 1,295
Disclaimer: Do not own, just playing in somebody else's sandbox
Summary: Sam told Dean he wanted safe not normal.  He didn't explain what he meant by safe.

A/N: Written for brilligspoons  at samdeanexchange .  I used ( Read more... )

prompt fic, wincest, sam/dean, slash fic

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Comments 7

fanofsuper March 13 2010, 04:18:44 UTC
That was so beautiful. Poor Sam feeling that way for so long. I am glad that he is finally back home where he belongs!

More please !


ladyrhyanne March 13 2010, 13:24:46 UTC

More please! *snort* It's on the list. I'll add it in right after the sequel to the fic You and Me Collide that I posted last week. Which comes after the two charity fics (both of which are yours) that I need to finish, this year's big bang, the mpreg (your's again) that was supposed to done ages ago and I forgot about, 2 podfics that I have to get done, your b-day fic, and, and, and...

The good news is that I actually got geeky enough to actually make a list, or sad enough, *shrug* either way. ;)


fanofsuper March 13 2010, 18:47:26 UTC
I don't know which one surprises me more, the amount of work you have or that you actually made a list (which is not geeky or sad, it's organized) LOL! I think I'll call it a tie LOL!

I don't think I read You & Me Collide, I'll look for that one later


ladyrhyanne March 16 2010, 23:21:23 UTC
Experience...aka not realizing that I had over-extended myself in Feb. led me to understand that I needed to do something before my brain melted out my ears. 5 fics all due within the first two weeks of Feb and not all of them done, *sigh* but I'm working on it.

No, I don't think you have read You and I Collide, trust me, I'm expecting to catch shit from you because of the errors I haven't had a chance to go back and fix that have been pointed out to me. My own fault for messing with the damn thing until Feb.27 when I knew it was due on March 1...again see above. ;)


macbyrne March 13 2010, 18:50:08 UTC
*soft sigh*

Yes. This. This is why Dean didn't understand Sam leaving. Because Sam was his home, and he thought it was the same for his brother. And it was, but Sam didn't understand that until he lost it. God, I miss Season 1 boys sometimes. This is lovely and sweet and sort of sad all at the same time. Loved it to pieces. Great job.


ladyrhyanne March 16 2010, 23:15:01 UTC

Yeah, I miss Season 1 boys occasionally too, which is the only explanation I have as to how this came about when I read the original prompt.


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