Reading and things

Feb 21, 2019 17:36

I really am bad at this "once at week" thing, aren't I?

Mostly books, but also Gloomhaven, finally finished )

film and tv, books 2019, games

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Comments 5

leesa_perrie February 21 2019, 22:54:11 UTC
Oh, I love Only Connect too!! It's always nice when I (occasionally) find a connection - I'm much better with the missing vowels round! :D


ladyofastolat February 22 2019, 18:21:04 UTC
We always pause the TV at the start of the connecting wall, to see if we can find the groups. (Whether we can or not depends on whether the board includes sport or pop music, always our betes noires.) I'm better at the missing vowels than I used to be - apparently one gets better with practice - but Pellinor is better. Grump! :-)


leesa_perrie February 22 2019, 19:10:29 UTC
Oh yeah, I've started doing that!! Sometimes I see a connection and am almost shouting at the teams! Not that I always get the correct four for that connection, lol!!

Fortunately, hubby is not interested in TV all that much, so I don't have to compete with anyone - which I prefer tbh!


thismaz February 22 2019, 07:41:40 UTC
Oh, how I wish I could remember books after I finish them!
On the other hand, it makes re-reading a new-again, enjoyable experience?
Do you know this poem?


ladyofastolat February 22 2019, 18:25:25 UTC
Quite a poignant poem. But, yes, it does at least allow me to happily reread books many times. I love re-reading. On the first re-read, I've genuinely forgotten most of it, but even after that, I can continue to reread my favourites and still find surprises. It always surprises me how many library customers activate the feature which alerts them if they're trying to borrow something they've borrowed before, and immediately reject said book, even if they brought it to the desk with no memory of having read it before. I don't think I ever truly love a book unless I've read it at least twice. But each to their own.


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