long time no see

Oct 02, 2018 17:55

hey! so, i still exist. my computer is super slow so I only really use it for emails and photoshop right now, which makes it hard to keep up. i do see a lot of you peeps on tumblr, but it looks like most of you have either moved to dw primarily or mirror from there. is it less quiet than lj? does somebody want to tell me what's good over there ( ( Read more... )

dreamwidth, questions

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Comments 26

hamsterwoman October 2 2018, 23:22:41 UTC
I find DW slower/quieter than LJ in general, but a bit more active for fannish things. That might be just my flist, though.


ladymercury_10 October 6 2018, 00:09:16 UTC
How so? Like, fewer RL posts and more fanfiction/graphics/etc.?


hamsterwoman October 6 2018, 03:42:50 UTC
Not really graphics (that seems to be mostly on Tumblr or maybe in comms), and not necessarily fic (that's mostly on AO3 these days, although I do see fic announcements on LJ/DW). I cross-post, so both flists get the same posts from me, but RL posts get more comments on LJ (but a lot) and fannish posts tend to get (relatively) more comments on DW. I have a smaller flist on DW in general, but it seems to be the more likely place for fannish discussion these days.

In terms of people posting, I find it harder to say, but I guess I do see more fannish meta on DW than on LJ, too...

Your flist might be quiet because a lot of people did leave; I do periodically "top off" from friending memes when they roll around, and have picked up interesting, active people from time to time, some of whom are on LJ and some of whom cross-post and some of whom are just on DW.


kaffy_r October 3 2018, 00:46:23 UTC
It's good to see you! I like Dreamwidth for my very slow purposes, and it would be great to see you over there. A lot of the communities on LJ mirror or clone to or from DW, so you could see many of the same things there that you see here.


ladymercury_10 October 6 2018, 00:12:29 UTC
You as well! I guess for me it's a question of which one is more active because I don't want to follow two feeds and check notifications in two inboxes (I check the inboxes themselves. I don't use the email account my accounts are tied to anymore; I would have to recover the password to even get into it). How do you manage both?


acciochocolate October 3 2018, 00:57:22 UTC
I see a lot of crossposting from DWidth to LJ; I do that myself. :)


ladymercury_10 October 6 2018, 00:08:24 UTC
Your icon is adorable!

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking about, but I don't want to have to follow two separate feeds/comment notifications. Right now I only use my DW for commenting on others' x-posts.


acciochocolate October 17 2018, 22:29:59 UTC
I understand!

If you like the icon, please use w/ credit to the maker--just check my icons flist or that info. :)


davesmusictank October 3 2018, 00:58:27 UTC
LJ is not as active as in the past, but still more so than DW.


ladymercury_10 October 6 2018, 00:06:38 UTC
Really? If DW is slower than LJ, then it must be crickets over there. I thought it was finally taking over the last bits of journal fandom.


giallarhorn October 3 2018, 01:23:12 UTC
DW for me tends to be more quiet, but I think that's a numbers game of having...4 people who're cross-posting to LJ from there. I guess I have a weird flist that's staunchly holding onto LJ for whatever reason.

I know there's some active comms, ie anon comment fic, kink memes, etc are primarily on DW now, but I haven't had time to check it out much.

Also talk about a surprise to see you posting here :p


ladymercury_10 October 6 2018, 00:18:12 UTC
Even more quiet? Gosh, I didn't think it was possible to be more deserted than LJ is.

Yeah, I know there are some anon memes but those I can use without moving since they're, y'know, anonymous anyway.

Surprise surprise! Yeah I think my last four or five posts have been just me popping up out of nowhereland to wonder where every is hanging out now. :P


giallarhorn October 7 2018, 13:49:28 UTC
Less deserted, and more I just don't have that many people on there yet? Still a lot of people LJ side, weirdly.

Someone linked to a comm for finding other comms but I haven't had time to properly check it out yet, but may be a good start?

Haha, I suppose eventually when there's no reply on LJ, you'll know that it's hit the end of its lifetime :P


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