So I *finally* saw The Force Awakens...

Dec 29, 2015 13:27

...and it was good! Really good, actually. I enjoyed it.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far a -- spoilers! )

movie reviews, straight up awesome

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Comments 28

vexena_sky December 29 2015, 21:39:37 UTC

I have seen the movie now and I was really disappointed. I didn't have high hopes before anyway because oh how they put away the novels but this film was no Star Wars for me sadly :/ I mean the storyline with Kylo Ren was interesting but they could have handeled it so much better. .. and it's funny because in my Pov the scene where Han died was everything but emotional... it felt useless for me and very predictable. ..
All in all I totally missed the emotional moments every Star Wars Movie had... those quiet important moments. . I thought there were too few of them. And definetely too many disney funny moments that didn't fit in... and it totally made no sense to me that Luke went away amd Leia and Ham were apart... also it felt like Han and Leia were out of character...
I know many people liked this movie but for me it lacked a lot of Star Wars elements and it makes me wanna watch episode IV again just to see again what Star Wars is.


ladyhadhafang December 29 2015, 22:02:50 UTC
Good to see you! *Hugs* How have you been? Did you have a good Christmas ( ... )


darth_eldritch December 29 2015, 23:01:05 UTC
I agree. It came across as try hard ( ... )


ladyhadhafang December 29 2015, 23:41:45 UTC
A little, yeah. Though I did like the fact that the stormtroopers are apparently so used to it now that they kind of clear out before Ren starts his venting. I feel pretty bad for them ( ... )


Response part 1 arkan2 January 5 2016, 22:00:37 UTC
X-Men: Apocalypse: Aww, man. I've seen the movie twice now, but both times I came in late. Missed the trailer entirely the first round, came in during the middle of it the second, and missed out on just about the whole thing while finding my seat. That was disappointing.

Anyway, as for the movie: overall, really enjoyed it, especially the first two-thirds. I was disappointed that the climax and ending only offered what I was expecting to see, with nothing really surprising or new (didn't help that it was basically a retread of A New Hope's climax with added lightsaber duel, then finding Luke). I appreciated it a lot more the second time around, when I knew what to expect and what not ( ... )


RE: Response part 1 ladyhadhafang January 6 2016, 02:06:28 UTC
Hey! *Hugs tightly* It's so good to see you. How was your Christmas? Also, happy new year ( ... )


Re: Response part 1 arkan2 January 11 2016, 20:15:23 UTC
Good to talk to you again, as well, and happy new year. My Christmas was pretty low-key, as I'm currently living out of state and my friends were all celebrating the holidays elsewhere. I mainly spent the day having an early Christmas dinner with my hosts' extended family (they even got me a rad bead bracelet), and watching the latest documentary about the Yes Men (a couple of activist pranksters). And I had a nearly two-hour Google hangout with my mom and my sisters talking about ... The Force Awakens. Fun times.

Yeah, it's a bit unfortunate about missing the Apocalypse trailer, but I wouldn't say it sucks. Now if I miss the movie in theaters, too, that will be too bad ( ... )


Re: Response part 1 ladyhadhafang January 11 2016, 21:13:39 UTC
That's good to hear. :) I had a good Christmas, even though I kind of had some...well, health issues, I guess I should say. And all of it sounds fun ( ... )


Response part 2 arkan2 January 5 2016, 22:02:12 UTC
Finn's relationship with Rey is also terrific. He occasionally grates on her-in ways which are, again, often genuinely funny-but they also have a sweet affection and sort of mutual enthusiasm about the other's accomplishments which is incredibly charming. Even when they're being awkward, they're hilarious, like the scene where Rey is trying to get Finn to find her a piece of equipment she needs to fix the Falcon, “no, not that one; the one I'm pointing at; not that one; not that one” (I have so been Finn in that scene-many times).

Of course, Finn and Poe are also fantastic together, and Finn and Han, and Rey and Han-I love them bonding over the Falcon and all its eccentricities ( ... )


RE: Response part 2 ladyhadhafang January 6 2016, 02:24:11 UTC
Yes! That was definitely another reason I loved Finn and Rey -- their sort of geeky excitement after escaping on the Falcon was genuinely adorable ( ... )


Re: Response part 2 arkan2 January 11 2016, 20:30:11 UTC
It helps that it's pretty infectious. :)

She really is.

My impression from the movie was that Kylo may not have ever met Rey personally, but that he knows of her - that she was likely on Jakku, and that there's something about her which could spell serious Bad News for the First Order.

I was okay not seeing how Poe got off Jakku, though I think it would have been nice to throw in a casual mention of having bought passage or hijacked a spaceship or sent out a distress beacon. A bit more character development wouldn't have gone amiss, either, but I was okay with what we got, and I'll be interested to see what they do with his character in VIII and IX.


Re: Response part 2 ladyhadhafang January 11 2016, 21:15:15 UTC
I know, right? :D I mean, Rey is just adorable.

Probably. I guess we'll have to wait for VIII and IX to find out.

So was I. :) And I think they'll do great things with him in VIII and IX.


Response part 3 arkan2 January 5 2016, 22:30:21 UTC
Starkiller Base was another of many elements which I could only read as the writing team taking something from Episode IV, cranking it up a few notches, throwing in maybe a few minor tweaks, and then replicating it in this movie. It served its purpose, but it didn't leave much of an impression on me. Maybe I'm just burned out on superweapons from the EU. I wish the final attack had only crippled the base - like they speculated it might during the battle briefing - instead of destroying it; I think it could be pretty creepy to imagine that it's still out there, and a potential threat for future movies.

Gotta disagree about Hux in that “preparing to fire the Death Star's Starkiller Base's superlaser” scene. He starts out all right, but he just keeps cranking up the acting dial, and by the end of the speech, I'm sure you could get a complete fitting of Domhall Gleeson's teeth just from examining the scenery in that shot. Apart from Adam Driver's appearance, I find that speech the most unintentionally hilarious part of the movie ( ... )


RE: Response part 3 ladyhadhafang January 6 2016, 02:41:18 UTC
*That* would have been awesome with Starkiller Base, actually! :D I mean, just imagine it, temporarily shut down, but what happens when it gets started back up again and all...that would have been terrifying ( ... )


Re: Response part 3 arkan2 January 11 2016, 20:30:54 UTC
They did a good job with BB-8 hearkening back to Artoo while still making him his own character. It can't be easy creating such an inhuman character whose main appeal is in gestures rather than dialogue. It worked with Artoo before, and it's kind of amazing that it worked again - in a very different way - with BB-8.

I can believe that about Snoke having a vulnerable side, and that it either didn't make the cut for this film, or was deliberately held back for Episodes VIII and IX. And who knows, maybe they'll expand his character in a way which makes it clear he is something very different from Palpatine, and in hindsight, he'll seem less like a lazy knock-off in Force Awakens. I'm open to that possibility.

Definitely anxious for VIII, though in the meantime, I'm also looking forward to Rogue One. To me it seems a more intrinsically interesting story than movies about Boba Fett or Young Han, and I'm excited to see what the film crew does with it.


Re: Response part 3 ladyhadhafang January 11 2016, 21:32:32 UTC
I know, right? :D They did an amazing job with BB-8. He might as well be the new Artoo for this generation. :)

As far as I know (although I won't really know until they release the DVD for The Force Awakens and we see the deleted scenes), I didn't see it in the novelization, so I think that Snoke's vulnerable side might be reserved for future movies as a twist or something.

I am too! I mean, they've apparently got Alan Tudyk onboard, so that was a definite sign-me-up moment.


Article on feminism and masculinity in "The Force Awakens" arkan2 January 28 2016, 20:00:49 UTC
I recently saw this article on The Mary Sue website: Resistance, Caring, & “Mask”ulinity: The Feminist Message of the Dudes in The Force Awakens. I thought it was very cool, and I thought you might appreciate it.


Re: Article on feminism and masculinity in "The Force Awakens" ladyhadhafang January 28 2016, 21:58:37 UTC
Thank you so much! That was a great read -- I think the author of the article really nailed why exactly Rey, Finn and Poe were so lovable, and why Han was so lovable. And it was a pretty interesting spin on Kylo Ren and what he represents; that's definitely the thing, he's kind of a case of arrested development when you really think about it. He's still kind of that kid he probably was at the time of committing the massacre trying too hard to look masculine, dark, tough -- everything Vader seemed to be. (And even Vader didn't really become the way he was without extensive physical and emotional damage) And I thought it was a good call sort of comparing Finn to Kylo; Finn throws away his helmet, Kylo keeps it. So...that was a pretty awesome read! Thanks! :)


Re: Article on feminism and masculinity in "The Force Awakens" arkan2 February 1 2016, 20:00:25 UTC
Delighted to oblige, glad you also enjoyed it.


Re: Article on feminism and masculinity in "The Force Awakens" ladyhadhafang February 1 2016, 20:46:58 UTC
It really was a fantastic article. Seriously.


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