Title: Run Through the Jungle
Universe: the Marvel Universe, specifically the movie 'verse
Pairing: Agent Phil Coulson/Clint Barton
Rating: mature. some language and violence.
Word Count: 6,411
Disclaimer: i own nothing in this story beyond the plot. the characters contained within belong to Marvel and whoever the hell else owns them. i'm just
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the song title seemed to fit the mood of the fic. maybe it was a cop out, title wise. but there it is.
i thought this would be a piece of crap because it felt like a piece of crap to me. it was all over the place and nothing felt cohesive at all. i really considered just tossing it out and starting over again. but i'm glad to hear it plays like a movie in your head. i guess that means i did something right.
this is just my take on how the two of them met. i'm sure everyone has their own idea as to how that happened.
glad you enjoyed it, bb. thanks for reading.
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