They're Space Married | Doctor Who 6x04

May 15, 2011 20:42

I'm not even going to try. Seriously, just perfect. Perfect.

THEY STOLE EACH OTHER. She's the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. HE ALWAYS PUSHES. :DDDDDDDDDD AMY THINKS HE  WISHED REALLY HARD. RORY'S THE PRETTY ONE. As I said on tumblr, in my head!fanon, the Doctor's just indignant she's sharing a thought that was clearly TOLD IN CONFIDENCE. :DDDD

Someone out there has to write something about how he can never say goodbye to his companions because he knows they'll go on living without him, and it always hurts that he can't be a part of that everyday sort of love, no matter how much he wants to be. And how it's him and the TARDIS, and it's always going to be, and so it's not goodbye. It's hello. OMG why so perfect show?

Hello. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

(One thing I did notice: If the whole time-loop Rory dying thing was indeed a figment of Amy's imagination, it does a really good/creepy job of reflecting her apparent guilt over the whole you-waited-2000-years-for-me thing. Did you notice the "Kill Amy" and "Hate" written on the walls? Oh Amy. Oh.)

Also, please Mr. Moffat, stop with this ridic Rory killing. IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE. >:(

Next week looks... kind of gross actually. Hm.

#review, #there is only flail forever, #meta, f::doctor who

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