
Apr 21, 2010 13:46

Hey guys!

I'm still too busy to be active here but I need to take 5 minutes from my revisions or else it's going to drive me mad.

Anyway I wanted to share a style I just got into and that this spring and summer's fashion make it easy to get and not too expensive to afford. Not that I want to be à la mode, just that for once, it's easy for me to ( Read more... )

canada, mori, john, university, marseille

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Comments 24

cats_fiend April 21 2010, 13:58:11 UTC
Baaaaasically just freaking out that you might be coming to Canada. Better believe I'd be heading over to where you are to visit!!

Also, the mori girl style sounds really cool! :D

Good luck with university and everything! &hearts


l0t0phage April 21 2010, 20:34:11 UTC
Yaaaay!! I'm very excited about that too, you know ^^ I'll let you know when I come! It's gonna be Montréal for sure. I'm gonna try and convince John that we go to the Niagara Falls too :p

Yay I love it, it's sophisticated yet natural, soft and pretty ^^

Thank you!! Things are looking really good, I think I succeeded even the grammar exam, which is a miracle xD


cats_fiend May 3 2010, 21:21:58 UTC
So cool! :D I've never been to Montreal, but I've always wanted to. XD; I think it's so awesome that you're coming to Canada~ I've been thinking I should go visit you in France, but I'm always lacking the money to do so. ><;; BUT NOW YOU'RE COMING TO CANADA, SO... THAT'S AWESOME. XD

Ahh, exams. ;; They always do see to suck.... Dx


l0t0phage May 4 2010, 12:33:38 UTC
You'll see, it's really cool! I really hope we're both accepted! If not, you're always welcome here whenever you want!

At least now I'm over with them lol.


LJ STOP POSTING BEFORE I'M DONE DX lady_kikyou April 21 2010, 14:41:33 UTC
ffff the mori girl style is cute, but it only works well with Japanese standards of beauty-- flat-chested girls with no hips. Anyone with curves would look pretty ridiculous. :| I mean, it's one thing to wear loose coats, but layer after layer of loose fabric over a non-skinny body is hardly flattering.

And good luck with your exams and moving to Canada! o/


Re: LJ STOP POSTING BEFORE I'M DONE DX l0t0phage April 21 2010, 20:36:23 UTC
I'm not especially flat nor skinny (lol on the contrary), but if you choose the clothes according to your body type and layer where it's okay to do so, I assure you it looks good ^^ then again, I don't have much boobs, and have a pretty small ribcage/stomach lol... Once again, it's just a question of knowing what to wear according to your shape, like with every fashion =) empire-waist dress for example are flattering to me because they hide my wide hips but put forwards my small top ^^

Thank you!


loukawai April 21 2010, 16:13:08 UTC
Moi aussi je vais surement aller vivre au Canada O_° (Tu irais dans quel coin??)
Also, Mori Fashion is super cute *_*


l0t0phage April 21 2010, 20:37:04 UTC
Cool!! Je serai à Montréal =) Et toi???

Innit? ^^


loukawai April 22 2010, 15:40:10 UTC
Vancouver :) Je vais suivre une formation pour etre prof de français au Canada et faire mon M2 en parralèle


l0t0phage April 22 2010, 15:52:15 UTC
Ah c'est super cool ça! Tu penses rester combien de temps pour le moment?


rainbow_berries April 21 2010, 16:31:49 UTC
J'aime bien le style mori girl aussi, enfin sur les autres (c'est pas un style que je porterais assez pour justifier acheter plein de nouvelles fringues juste pour faire une coordination :/) mais je pense que ça t'irait bien. :)

C'est quoi que t'aimes pas à Marseille? A part que c'est sale, qu'il y fait chaud et que c'est plein de sales cons je veux dire? xD Enfin j'avoue j'ai pas envie d'y rester toute ma vie non plus...


l0t0phage April 21 2010, 20:40:52 UTC
Oui je comprends ^^ Moi je trouve que ça me colle assez bien à la peau (en même temps, avec mes délires d'indigènes, de forêt, d'indiens et compagnie, c'est ce que j'ai trouvé de plus civilisé et décent qui se rapproche de mon besoin de nature lol).

Euh, l'ambiance était... bizarre :S et j'ai pas vraiment compris les détritus partout dans les parcs où les gens passent des journées entières à rien faire au milieu de leurs saloperies :S ça m'a un peu choquée..


trypanophobic34 April 21 2010, 20:31:12 UTC
Canada! I lived there for a few years when I was a kid.


l0t0phage April 21 2010, 20:41:25 UTC
Oh! Where were you living? Did you like it?


trypanophobic34 April 21 2010, 20:55:06 UTC
I lived in Winnipeg. I liked it, we were happy there, I think, and Canadians are generally nicer than Americans. Lol.

Where will you move if you move there?


l0t0phage April 21 2010, 20:56:51 UTC
Canadians are really nice yes, but then again, Americans are quite nice to me most of the time. I guess that when you live in France, everyone's nicer everywhere else, haha.



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