Snowflake Challenge Day 8

Feb 11, 2018 00:35

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Day 8

In your own space, share a favorite piece of original canon (a TV episode, a song, a favorite interview, a book, a scene from a movie, etc) and explain why you love it so much.

Oh lord... I've been in A LOT of fandoms and there's so many amazing moments in all of them.

But I'll actually go with a moment that really hit me in the gut and turned me into a proper fangirl instead of just 'liking' something.

And that's the ending of Pirates of The Caribbean At Worlds End.

Well, not only the ending but from the battle in the maelstrom and onwards.

Can you guess I have a thing for Will Turner yet?

Anyway, let's see if I can get vids for this. Sit back and get ready. And if you haven't seen said movie, this might be confusing. And if you haven't seen the first three Pirates movies, what the hell have you been doing? Go watch them!

The Big Bad in the movie is the company The East India Trading Company. Lead by Lord Cutler Beckett. He wants the company to rule the sea, and by doing so he manages to steal (through a lot of... action and strange happenings in the previous movie) the heart of Captain Davy Jones. He is the Captain of The Flying Dutchman. Once a lover of the sea goddess Calypso, he was made immortal by her and given the task of shipping the dead to the afterlife and being able to be with her. She is as fickle as the sea however, so the one day he had on land every ten years, she was not there. And Davy Jones turned into a serious monster of the sea. Unstoppable and cruel. Of course, having his heart you can rule over him, hence Lord Beckett being happy to have it. The only thing that can kill Jones is by stabbing the heart, so he does pretty much anything to keep it safe... You can imagine what Lord Beckett threatens the heart with...

The pirates does not like this, they want the freedom the seas give. And so fights and plots against The EITC and Lord Becket and Jones. Which in the end ends up in a great big battle scene... in the midst of a maelstrom.

(There's of course A SHIT TON more going on, but let's keep it simple. The plots of these movies are never simple.)

Will Turner and Elisabeth Swan gets married in the midst of that crazy battle in the midst of the maelstrom in probably the best wedding scene ever made!

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Everyone are after Captain Davy Jones heart, Will to free his father from the Flying Dutchman and Captain Jack Sparrow to gain immortality and sail the seas forever.

Will's father, Bootstrap Bill (played by Stellan Skarsgård to perfection), has been driven insane by the ship and fights his own son. Will wins (he is a hell of a fighter) and leaves the knife he got from Bill with him, saying he won't fight him.

Meanwhile Jack fights Davy Jones in one really cool fight scene! Gotta love Bill Nigh and the way he plays Jones!

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Jack and Davy drops the chest with Davy Jones heart and Will goes for it, just to be stopped by Davy Jones himself. As does Elisabeth. And they both fight Davy Jones, but he is far superior then the both of them. He is, after all, immortal and any harm they give him heal immediately.

Davy Jones focus is his heart in his chest, stabbing the heart in the chest is the only thing that can kill him even if the one that does so will take his place and be magically bound to the ship The Flying Dutchman...

Jones knocks out the both of them threating to kill Will having his sword to Will's chest, and well... this happens. I'll just let this clip stay right here, because it guts me every time I see it.

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Getting chills watching that, even after all these years...

So the crew of the Dutchman make Will their Captain by literary ripping Will's heart out of his chest, placing it in The Chest and therefore binding Will to the Dutchman for ever... or until someone stabs his heart... (Note that it's Will's father Bill that does the deed with Will's own knife...)

As it turns out, he takes to the role quite well. And helps Jack, Barbossa and the crew of the Black Pearl to literary blast the big bad guy Lord Beckett and his ship to smithereens winning the freedom for all pirates to rule the seas!

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After the battle, Will has a very touching moment with his father Bill. Will did reach his goal. He did free his father. Even if the prize was very high, which they talk about to.

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But Elisabeth, you say? Well, the Captain of the Flying Dutchman has one day where he can step foot on land every ten years... And also his first day, as it turns out.

Bring your napkins. Let's have another scene, because Will and Elisabeth gets a chance to consummate their marriage as it were... until the Dutchman demands her captain.

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*sniff* Yeah, so they got their one day and then Will is gone, leaving Elisabeth alone. She's a bit of a badass though, since she managed to end up the Pirateking earlier in the movie, so I'm quite sure she was doing good during those ten years.

In the scene after the credits she sure looks it... and Will must have done a good job on that beach... because there's a son! And how happy Will is, Elisabeth must have been faithful those ten years, as she had to be or it would have ended badly for Will.

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So how many napkins did you need? I went through two... I always get so sniffly when I think off Cursed Captain Will Turner and his fate.

Right so, all this... this is what turned me into a proper and raving fangirl over the Pirates franchise. I like the character Jack Sparrow well enough, but it's Will Turner that really gets to me every time. And there were SO MANY theories about how the curse worked, what Will's fate was during those ten years, what Elisabeth was doing, how the Flying Dutchman worked, how their son grew up... The discussions were ENDLESS!!! It's STILL discussed to this day, even after there being two more movies. The fourth one was pure SHIT, and I pretend it never happened... But the fifth one, now... They did find their way back a bit to the whole mood from the first three and it really felt more like it belonged, you know? Also, WILL TURNER WAS BACK! And hey ho, his soon Henry ended up really cool. So I can honestly recommend that one.

See the first three, skip the fourth, and watch the fifth. And enjoy. Pure fun and dramatic and cool pirates. Ignore the big plotholes and enjoy the rest. ;-)

This entry is cross posted between LJ and DW. Comment where you are comfortable.

pirates of the caribbean, snowflake challenge

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