Title: Pic Fic: The Rest is Silence
Characters: Apollo/Sharon
Spoilers: Miniseries, season 1 and season 1
Notes: Sharon-centric as it is written from Apollo's point of view. Very much AU (duh! :). (
Evil Misleading cut that takes you to an intro plus links to the actual story )
Comments 28
Apollo's look of contempt and his words in "Home 2" kind of got to me. It was then that I started playing with the idea of having him fall hard for someone he never could have...I'm a bit of sucker for the long, dark looks that Apollo and Sharon give one another. Sparks and antagonistic chemistry appeal to me.
same here :P I hope you write more :D
Then again, there were a lot of caps I used in that that were not used for the story. Similarly, I did a lot of caps for the story that weren't in the Apollo/Sharon caps since I cheated and threw in 'other scenes' ;)
As always, petite petitevanou - thanks for your feedback. Deux personnes avec les nommes francaises!? Then again I suppose 'Vauxhall Cross' would technically be Vauxhall du Croix' if we were being totally French ;)
On some levels, I just don't understand Apollo, and that's probably why I don't completely get the ship. But based on what I do understand, I think this is actually pretty believable for him. He seems to have an obsession with things he can't have or can't change, and Sharon would fall solidly in both categories. :)
OMG....Koala inspiring a Apollo/Sharon fic...must not write it...must not...must...nooooooo.....
See ma, not jumping ship, not going anywhere!
You better not! *resolves to keep eye on koalathebear* ;)
The Apollo/Sharon thing never occurred to me until Home 2 but after that when I went back - I discovered that these two had actually had quite a long history together and been through quite a lot together which is why Apollo probably felt the 'betrayal' quite strongly. Boomer was basically his lieutenant whenever it wasn't Kara so although it always was on a work level, she was always there.
Glad you found it plausible. I love dark angst as much as I love fluffy wuffy goodness.
Thanks again! :)
I liked the Sharon Saves the day again, BTW.
Bob W
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