Title: Beyond the Sunrise
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Groups: SNSD, Kara, Big Bang
Pairing(s): SooSun(main pairing eventually), YulSic(slight), SooRa(Sooyoung x Hara)
Summary: Sunny thought moving to Seoul and transferring to an all-girl school was going to be exciting. She never thought she'd be caught in a tangled web of confusion, love
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Comments 4
And LOL at Yuri on a table with a megaphone.
I know you're pairing up Sooyoung and Sunny but somehow I feel sorry for Hara D:
I know what you mean; I'm really tempted to eliminate SooSun but then the plot will be all messed up. It's hard enough for me to put Hara through this xD;
btw is it okay if I add you as a friend? ^^
Well, you gotta do what you gotta do, but I'm hoping everything will turn out fine for Hara DX *huggles her*
Sure go ahead XD I'll add you back~ ♥
Hara will be fine in the end, just not right now.. *huggles her too* And thanks for adding me (:
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