Waaa~ Have not been sleeping well lately... the bitch (yes, it's not that I hate my neighbours, but they really do have a female dog) downstairs is in heat... and Bodhi has been getting well... aroused? He's been howling through the nights... -_- I guess it's time I booked him a trip to the vet. Was hoping to avoid sending him for sterilisation (he
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The answer is obvious. Met up with my rgs pals for dinner at NewAsia. As usual the place was packed, but fortunately for us, our lovely Qing managed to negotiate for a comfy quiet spot to ourselves
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My day didn't start out too well... there was this creepy guy on the MRT... staring at me with such manic intensity at the station I could feel his beady eyes boring through my skin... and when I walked over to another cabin he followed... and then kept switching positions, first behind then in front, till finally right next to me... so close I
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There's something about this job that kinda warps my timeline... on one hand the days just seem to whiz past, on the other hand, I'm already into the Christmas mood since we've been working on our December issue the past fortnight. Which is why the outfit I made for my collague's bear ended up like this
Time passes so much faster when you're doing more than just twiddling your thumbs waiting for something to happen! Once again, I've left this update for far too long, so I'll just have to recap the past month's happenings and thoughts in brief: ♥ Shape October is out! Only have two stories in this issue, but now I'm really looking forward to
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So I love the pretty packaging & cute GWPs that come with higher-end brands... but what really gets my inner bargain-lover glowing has to be cheap drugstore finds! A quick list of my all-time faves:
♥ ZA Cutie Curl Mascara: The fact that this was recommended to me by En, a prior mascara-phobe, speaks volumes for this lash booster!
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Q&A SessionI bumped into an old classmate I hadn't seen in ages on Monday. She asked me what I was doing, so I said I was writing for Shape. Then we launched into the details & she discovered I was only staying for another month or so, so naturally she asked why and I told her my plans. And that started off a chat about SIA and how she had a friend
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For reasons too complicated/mind-numbing to explain here, I'll be staying on at my magazine job for one more month. I'm really grateful how the horrific mess I *could* have been in (again, too pointless to elaborate on) has somehow manage to sort itself out so neatly. The pieces just slot in nicely
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