Well guys-
I created the community. It's called Indigenous America. We can change the name if you guys want to. It's located at
www.livejournal.com/community/indigenousamIt's a community only for those who self-identify as American Indian/ Alaskan Native/ Native Hawaiian. It is not a place for non-Natives to come to learn about us or our cultures
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Comments 5
I guess I should have asked first: am I even welcome here? I don't identify as any of those things.
I've found your enterty in Learn_russian community and I'm wondering if you're interesting in studing russian?
I think we can help each other. We can take a turn and talk by Skype in Russian and in Eglish, so I can get practice in Eglshish and you will learn Russian )
what do you think about this idea? :)
..oh, my name is Nikita and I live in Moscow, I've been 3 times to US. I love this country
PS and you need any help in russian studing I'll try to help you ))
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