365 Gay Sharks
Day 174, Word Count: 9565
Theme: June; No More Sad Songs
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click
here to read more about it. :D
Fell in love with an Android, baby, playing games with the toy that played me. Electricity is easy, I'm told-so where'd you ever learn to be so cold? )
Comments 30
- Is this Mark colorblind like RL!Mark? It sounds like the signal lines are full color spectrum to him, so is it an exception b/c they're not visible in the real world?
- Is Sean a technopath at all?
- So cyberkinetic installation. Do people only get it to replace organic parts that are damaged, or are there more recreational installations, too?
- Since Eduardo is a pardoned cyberkinetic criminal, does he have a clean slate with the government, or is he blacklisted from things the way a convicted felon would be?
"You can get that fixed, you know."
"It's not a problem."
"Yes," Dustin sits on the edge of Mark's desk and waves his arms around, "but what if you're disarming a bomb and you need to cut the red wire? You can't even tell which one that is!"
Mark looks up at Dustin, "Dustin, if I'm the only person available to disarm a bomb then I think we have more problems than just the fact that I can't tell which wire is red. Besides, I could probably just shut it off if it was attached to a timer."
It sounds like the signal lines are full color spectrum to him, so is it an exception b/c they're not visible in the real world?
No, they're just a lot of shades from blue to white. Although, as a sidenote, Mark can access other people's optics - which is of dubious enough legality that it makes Chris cover his ears whenever Mark talks about doing it - and temporarily fix his vision.
Is Sean a technopath at all?
Do people only get it to replace organic parts that are damaged, or are there more recreational ( ... )
okay, it's clear that I could gush about you for hours. I'll stop now. But god. You're so phenomenal.
I want to know what happened to Sean and if he ever got out of prison, and if Eduardo's house arrest is ever supposed to end, and what Eduardo ends up doing when he graduates college... so many things.
Is Eduardo's house arrest ever supposed to end?
Technically, no. In practice, Mark mostly keeps the paperwork around to keep Chris happy.
What does he do after college?
S'classified. If you dig around in the comments of electricity is easy, you'll probably be able to piece it together, though.
Did the note on the master post mean that you are working on a sequel too? Because I love this verse so much.
Can Mark integrate with something that's completely organic? There's a ton of electricity in a brain isn't there? And your description of him not being able to tell the difference between organic and inorganic in a cyborg makes it sound like he's interfacing with both?
The short answer is no. The long answer is that yes, there's electricity in the brain but there's not enough of it for Mark to actually locate in order to integrate. Signal lines are a constant, fixed stream of electricity where electric impulses in the brain are like tiny shifting, blinking LED lights. The only reason that he can't tell the difference between them is he can see the flow of information from the cyberkinetics to the brain. Theoretically, I guess he could deactivate a person if someone could tell him what he's looking for, but no one can so he doesn't know.
Did the note on the master post mean that you are working on a sequel too?
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