*Warning: Here there be spoilers*
Well, my first post to LiveJournal, and therefore my first review. About what, you ask. Well the latest entertainment venture I've taken. Just today my group of friends donned our warm jackets, braved the cold and the looming threat of rain, and went to see the newest vampire movie, Daybreakers. I won't lie, I had
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Comments 2
I KNOW RIGHT? Seriously, this movie just couldn't make up it's mind. I think you're absolutely correct in your description of it as scizophrenic--makes me wonder if there was some clashing going on behind the screens that interrupted the production of a nice, finished piece of work, or if they had multiple script writers and nobody bothered to go back and make certain everything agreed.
The whole Sam Neil thing was particularly distressing to me in terms of sheer wtf-ery--I mean, seriously, we're going to set this guy up as the villain, only to...take that away at the end? And the daughter thing was ridiculous. Furthermore, I found the scene where Edward's brother turns her incredibly disturbing, insofar as it felt like another lame moment in male movie-making history of 'hey, we need to make this scene dramatic! Pull out the helpless woman in distress card ( ... )
Glad you thought the daughter thing was ridiculous as well it was truly, deeply... annoying. I think it was written by a bevvy of writers, all in different rooms... focusing on a different character and they could only communicate to each other through interpretive dance preformed by a chicken.
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