Prompt #27 "The Good Of Camelot", Arthur/Merlin/Mordre, Soft R

Jan 17, 2013 06:17

About Kink Meme Fairy ¦ Masterlist ¦ Golden Oldies (You pick what I do next month!) :)


This fic is in response to this prompt on KMM1: Arthur/Merlin/Mordred, love triangle preferably with Arthur in the middle

3031 words.


"Thanks, again, Arthur," Mordred said, ducking his head. "I know you know where I'm from, and... thank you."

"Mordred, Mordred, Mordred!" Arthur drawled, grinning at him. "You're a great addition to Camelot. It doesn't matter to me where you came from, just that you're here now, with me."

"I'll always be here for you, Arthur. Always," Mordred said, tone suddenly husky. "In... In any way you want me."

"Oh..." Arthur blushed. "I'm... I'm your King, Mordred. I'm not allowed to take advantage like that. I won't take advantage like that."

"It's not taking advantage if I want it. I want you to know... I really want you, and now that I'm a Knight - I'm worthy, now, aren't I?"

"You were always worthy," Arthur told him. "Always. But... Not now..."

"Why not?"

"It's the middle of the day..." Arthur said, leadingly. "And..."

"Arthur!" Merlin called out. "We're ready to go hunting."

"And there's Merlin," Arthur said, suddenly feeling shy himself.

"Merlin. Right," Mordred replied, sounding disappointed.

"I'll see you later, Mordred," Arthur said, turning to go after Merlin.


"What was he after?" Merlin asked, more harshly than it warranted, as far as Arthur was concerned.

"Oh, nothing," Arthur replied, not really understanding why he feeling so defensive. "Just thanking me. You know, what with Knighting despite the whole druid thing."

"Oh, that," Merlin said, grumpily. "You know, you really shouldn't trust him."

"Just because he knows magic doesn't make him evil, you know," Arthur said, feeling very uncomfortable with this conversation. He'd been feeling caught in the middle of the two of them since Mordred had come back to Camelot. On the one hand - he'd loved Merlin for years, had wanted to take him for a tumble since he first saw him. On the other - Mordred had grown into a formidable man, vibrant and thrumming with an energy similar to Merlin's, but more... open. It was intensely sexual, and whatever it was, it drew Arthur to them both like a bee to honey. There was no way Arthur could take the risk of chasing either of them, though; it was unbefitting behaviour of a King, for one thing, and for another - Arthur was completely sure that picking either of them would seal his fate.

"You're right," Merlin began. "But-"

"Wait, what's brought this change of attitude towards magic on? You've always been even more vehemently against it than my father."

"Oh, that's hardly true, Arthur," Merlin scoffed. "You forget that Will - my best friend for eighteen years and lover for four - died using magic. I've seen the good magic can do. I've seen it save your life. But I've also seen the balance that magic needs. You can't just do good with it, Arthur. Some of what he does will be dark, and eventually he will turn on you. He'll kill you. I know it."

"Merlin! Where is this coming from?" Arthur was beyond shocked, but looking at Merlin - it was obvious he'd said more than he'd meant to. He looked at once as though he both wished to take everything back, and keep on talking, detailing everything for Arthur. "what is it? do you know something I don't?"

"Nothing I'm at liberty to say at this moment, Sire," Merlin replied, staring steadfastly at his mount. "Might we get on with the hunt?"

"Merlin... please?" Arthur asked, showing a rare civility. Merlin was his, after all, and he had no wish for secrets between them. Not even the obvious one, the one Arthur most definitely knew nothing about, and definitely hadn't learnt of from Merlin's father, a man Arthur had certainly never met. Ish. There was nothing to be done about that one, though, until Merlin felt ready to be open about everything, and Arthur could finally admit the energy Merlin and Mordred shared might not just be sex appeal.

"Arthur, what would you do if Mordred used magic in Camelot?"

"Well - it would depend on what he used it for, of course," Arthur said, mounting his steed. Maybe it would be better to get out of Camelot, after all.

"What? What do you mean, 'it would depend on what he used it for'? Magic is magic is magic, Arthur. You can't have a separate rule for him just because you want to fuck him!"

"Merlin, don't be so crass!"

"Well, it's true! It's always Mordred this, and Mordred that these days."

"Whether I wish to tumble him or not has no bearing on my judgement, Merlin. If he commits an evil act, he should be punished accordingly. But if he uses it for the good of Camelot? If he uses it for the greater good of the people, to disable soldiers without hurting them? Then what should I punish him for, exactly? Making the best use of the tools he has at hand?"

"For using magic, of course!" Merlin hissed, kicking his horse into going faster. They were almost shouting at each other, they were going to fast. They were fast approaching the forest, and for once, Arthur was fed up of everything that was hidden between them.

"So... by that reasoning, if I knew a man - a good man I'm happy to call my friend, no matter that we both want more - if I knew a man had used magic to save my life, I should have him put to death? If his very first act upon meeting me... No, actually, his first act was to annoy the hell out of me and cheat his way into the dungeons, the idiot - No, Merlin, I'm talking. No interrupting. And stop looking so pale, I'm not going to do anything. I'm talking through hypotheticals with a man I trust, call friend, and wish would be open about wanting a tumble, okay?

"So if I knew that this man had used his magic for the benefit of other people, and had caused harm only to those wishing to hurt those who didn't deserve it... Say, for example, he could control fucking dragons, and had used that to keep my Kingdom safe. Should I have him executed? Exiled? What for? For saving me, and proving his loyalty again and again? Gods above, if I didn't think you were an idiot before, I definitely do now!"

"You..." Merlin choked, no longer pale but red in the face, and obviously confused. "You're just thinking with your cock again, you prat!"

"Oh, that's definitely not true," Arthur said, trying for a grin. "If I was thinking with my cock, I'd have had him locked up and at my beck and call for every devious thing I could think of."

"Now who's being crass?" Merlin snorted, though he seemed to have calmed down somewhat. "Right, fine, so I'm obviously a bit biased here, but you shouldn't exile or execute me. Very bad for Camelot, that would be. Besides, you're arse would be toast within a week, I guarantee it."

"Careful, Merlin," Arthur said, feeling a little giddy now. It was out, and Merlin wasn't lying about it. There was nothing better than being King of Camelot. Nothing. "We're supposed to be talking about hypothetical situations."

"Okay, here's one for you, then," Merlin began, visibly stealing himself. "What would your esteemed grace say if someone close to him was the most powerful warlock alive, the last dragon lord - and, thereby, unlikely to die through any means for thousands of years, as his life may or may not be tied to that of dragons, and he's an idiot and just hatched one of the buggers without realising what it means-"

"Whoa, whoa, what? Okay, we're going to get back to that. Seriously? Your - I mean, his life is tied with a newborn dragons? But everyone knows those things live for millennia! And what if someone kills it, won't you - he - die?"

"No, of course not. But my... his... fuck it, Arthur, there's no need to pretend out here. It's just us. My life is tied to Morgana's dragon's life. And any other eggs I come across, though I suppose if I destroyed it... but no, that would be tantamount to suicide, and I reckon I'll never get that low. Besides, if the legends are true, I'm all but immortal anyway. I was born of pure magic, Arthur. I'm not just your run of the mill warlock. When I come into my inheritance, there will only be one thing that I'll be incapable of, and that's exactly what I'm trying to stop happening right now!"


"If I say everything I am able to right now, will you trust me? Will you let me leave it until I can tell you more?"

"Of course."

"We... When I first came to Camelot, Kilgarrah - he's the Great Dragon - told me that you and I are two sides of a coin. We will always share a destiny. It's... It's pretty much what the gods created me for. Together, we're to bring peace to Albion, stop Morgana, and bring Camelot into a Golden Age. We're nearly there with the last, but the other two? A bit more difficult. You're the Once and Future King, you know? The greatest King Albion has ever known, and will ever know. In times of crisis, you'll rise again, and bring peace with you. It's fated. But there will always be two who fight to stop you. You need to stay away from Mordred, it really won't end well."

"Merlin, we can make it end well," Arthur told him, firmly. "Mordred is loyal. He cares for Camelot, and it's people. If we accept him-"

"No, Arthur. I've seen it happen. There will be a battle, and you'll stab each other. Neither of you will survive."

"Oh," Arthur said, suddenly feeling cold. If that was true... but Mordred... but... Wait. "Merlin, have you ever heard the old bards tales? The ones where Kings of old were given prophesies, and it was their actions that brought these visions to life?"

"What... What are you saying?"

"Maybe... if we trust him. Show him the good he can do in Camelot, instead of expecting evil of him, he might... he might be loyal to us. Never turn to Morgana. I was the one who saved him as a boy. Maybe I can save both of us this time."

"I'm going to regret telling you, now, aren't I?" Merlin huffed. "Right, fine. But you can't shag him. I won't have it. I got here first, if I can't have you, he can't, either."

"Who says you can't have me?" Arthur asked, suddenly more interested in being quiet than continuing their conversation.

"Well, you're the King, of course."

"And we have a destiny Merlin. One that, had I known of it, would have caused me to be much more forward in my advances."

"What advances?"

"Oh, it's not like you didn't notice bringing enough food for two every time I called for dinner. Or offering you baths. Or a warm bed to sleep in. There have been advances, Merlin."

"You know what?" Merlin asked, rhetorically as he came to a stop and jumped off his horse. "I've changed my mind about hunting today. I want to see some of these advances."

"Oh, you are so on!"

"And no more thinking of Mordred. I got here first," Merlin said, offering a pout. Arthur wanted to kiss it. He dismounted.

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. And you mustn't think too much on him, either. I know he as a crush on you, but you're not to be with him without me."

"Kinky," Merlin breathed, and that was it for a rather long time, Arthur was proud to say.


Things had been progressing well between the three of them, in Arthur's opinion. He'd managed to bring their loathing of each other down to something closer to a general dislike (borne of jealousy, he was sure) and the beginnings of respect.

Each time he met with either of them - Mordred in a strictly platonic sense, of course, no need to set Merlin on edge - he extolled the other's virtues, laying on the other's affection thick. Merlin was certainly calmer around Mordred now that he thought the Knight was nursing a big crush on him, and Mordred had expressed his desire to give in to Merlin's desires a couple of times. It was probably time to ramp it up a bit, and get himself exactly where he wanted to be - in the middle of two gorgeous sorcerers, each wanting to out do the other.


"That's Merlin's job, you know," Arthur said, softly, as Mordred began unbuckling his armour.

"I know. But I thought you might like me to do it," Mordred grinned at him. "Seeing as he isn't here to stop me."

"He'd probably only stop you to make you start unbuckling him."

"Yeah, right. He doesn't even wear armour."

"I was talking about something a little more south of the belt. Or... actually, I meant the belt," Arthur chuckled. "Gods, you two. Why bother fighting over me when you could be tumbling each other?"

"Who says I want to 'tumble' him?"

"The husbands' bulge you get each time you catch us together, or I talk about us together," Arthur said, blushing.

"I love how you still can't talk about cocks or fucking without blushing."

"I don't always blush!" Arthur said, blush deepening.

"Which is why you're cherry red right now. I could help you out with your 'husbands' bulge' if you want..." Mordred suggested, inching his hand down Arthur's side.

"Yeah, don't think Merlin would like that if he found us... he'd probably use some sort of magical bondage to make me wat- are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. I just remembered I have something to do. Magical bondage, though? Really, Arthur, some imagination. As if Merlin would be able to pull something like that off. I might be convinced, though... later. Yeah. Later, I've got to sort something out."

And just like that, Mordred was gone, leaving Arthur to grin to himself. It seemed like Mordred might be loyal to more than just Arthur and Camelot, after all.


"I just had an interesting conversation with Mordred," Merlin said, strolling into Arthur's room without preamble.


"Yeah. He, er, warned me that you might be on to my magic. Then he told me that he was sorry, that he hoped you didn't find out because of him. Gods above, he was so relieved when I told him you already knew. He... He really cares, doesn't he?"

"Of course he does. Why do you think I suggested anything about you and magic? To see if his loyalty stretched to you. Now do you think... we're on a new path, aren't we?"

"It feels like it, yeah," Merlin said, sounding pleased.

"Does that mean you'll finally admit that you like him?"

"Hey, just because he's attractive doesn't mean I like him..."

"So if I was to suggest he join us?" Arthur suggested, getting into Merlin's space.

"I'd use magical bondage to keep you tied up, and make you watch me have him for a bit... Well, no, I'd probably use the magical bondage. Hot idea, Arthur - who knew that behind your blushing ways lay a truly kinky man? But I wouldn't take Mordred. We'd take turns having you, and you wouldn't even know which was which."

"Oh, fuck," Arthur moaned, glad that he was in his chambers. "Yeah, that'd be... I'd be okay with that."

"Really?" Merlin asked, teasingly.


"Mordred?" Merlin called.

"Yeah?" Mordred replied, stepping into the room.

"You want to see that magical bondage Arthur seems so keen on?"

"Fuck yes."


"You know, Mordred?" Merlin began, looking at their King as he lay sleeping between them. "I think he might just have tricked us into this."

"What was your first clue? The trying to get us together, or the trying to get us together with him?"

"Er... I think you must be smarter than me. I think I got it around about the time he was screaming our names. For a man who blushes as much as he does, he's a hell cat in bed, isn't he?"

"I'm not going to complain. Ugh, might complain if I don't clean off before sleep, though."

"Here," Merlin said, grinning as he waved his hand. His eyes flashed gold, and they were all significantly cleaner. "I can't wait for him to formerly repeal the ban. We'll be able to do whatever we want, whenever we want."

"Aren't you worried I'll do something bad? You always used to be."

"Mordred... We all do bad things. But if they're for him? For the good of Camelot? That can't be wrong."

"No... I suppose you're right."

"Suppose? You only suppose? Mordred, I'm a genius. You'll have to do better than suppose!"

"Shut up and kiss me, you oaf. I want a kiss, then you can spoon me, then we can sleep."

"Oh, and I suppose I'll be the one crawling over Arthur, then?"

"I'll crawl, if you want."

"Nah... it's fine. It's just... it's nice him being in the middle, isn't it?"


Mordred yawned, and kissed Merlin sloppily, lacing their fingers together. Instead of moving, they cocooned Arthur between them.



"Why can I feel you at my back?"

"What sort of all powerful Emrys can't be in two places at once?"

"Oh, you have got to teach me that trick. Can you imagine him in the middle of four of us."

"Gods above, I thought you said you wanted sleep! Stop, or I'll get turned on again."

"Fine. Night Merlin."

"Night, Mordred."


"We did it, didn't we?" Arthur asked Merlin, looking around his throne room. "Morgana's been dead a decade. My hair is more than a little grey. And the three of us? We're stronger with each winter that passes."

"Yes, Arthur. We did it. And I suppose it helps that - for the good of Camelot or not - you get to sandwich yourself between Mordred and I whenever it strikes your fancy."

"Yeah... that's a nice bonus."

...soft r, -arthur/merlin, *km1, -arthur/mordred, .canon era, ::underage post-puberty reference, ::possession, ::threesome, ::reveal, .au, -arthur/merlin/mordred, ..slash, .canon era future fic, ::magical bondage

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